Anybody else a student on here... that spends hours studying



  • ShemikaPerry
    Yep i spend more time studying than sleeping . I am a senior as a undergrad and will have my bachelor this may and will be going for my master of occupational therapy this fall. All the stress of school, work, interning, and maintaining a healthy relationship with my boyfriend has caused me to settle with a poor diet. This app is great because it got me back on the right track and in the process, I've lost 20 lbs so far and only have 20 more to go before I reach my target weight! This takes hard work and I wish everyone the best of luck !
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    This thread is a weight off my chest, finally people I can relate to. Feel free to add me. I'm doing my last year in Computer Science and have a full course load and I currently have 5 assignments on my plate for this week. Who needs to work out when you have stress knotting your stomach instead!
  • I'm a PhD student and can sympathize with the workload. However, I still make time to workout by waking up two hours earlier everyday. I also make time to cook my meals. There's no other way around it.
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 241 Member
    Wow such great tips! thanks so much! :)
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm a final semester PhD student too, as well as working four days a week so I know from sitting on my butt! My gym runs late exercise classes starting at 8pm so I can usually get a class in every night after work and writing. I just know that if I didn't move every day I would just be a big ball of stress so I schedule it in like I do meetings. Good luck with your studies and your weight loss!
