Your weekly exercise schedule?

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
Do you plan X number of cardio days each week and X number of strength days each week, or do you follow an exercise program? I'm not that great with following a strict exercise calendar, try as I might. I get bored too easily. I was thinking I would do the former, but I wanted to hear what you do. :smile: I need something more structured but not too structured.


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Mine's very simple, and is as follows (unless I don't have time to walk):

    Mon-Thurs: Walk 5+ Miles, Cycle 2+ Miles (with one of those days cycling 5+ Miles)
    Fri: Cycle 2+ Miles
    Sat: Gentle Exercise (e.g. A shorter walk, Kinect)
    Sun: Rest
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I try and do a bit of both on each visit to the gym. I get bored of doing the same thing everyday, if I had to do standard cardio machines and aerobics, I'd never go. I've tried most equipment and classes at my gym and come up with a mix of the ones I actually like to do
    Mon & thurs - boxercise / free weights / swimming
    Wed & sat - running / kettlebells / swimming
    Fri - spinning / swimming
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    My schedule is the same every week and almost everyday. I don't like a lot of change, so it would probably bore you. :smile:

    Mon: Run
    Tues: Run
    Wed: Rest or Strength Training
    Thurs: Run
    Fri: Run
    Sat: Strength Training
    Sun: Rest

    The only time I deviate from the schedule is if I am preparing for a race.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Mon - Sat
    Mornings: Kettle bell and treadmill
    Evening: Spinning
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Mine looks something like this:
    Sunday: Weights
    Monday: Pilates
    Wed:Cardio or Rest
    Thurs:Trainer or if off week, then weights

    Repeat on Sunday
  • I run 7 days per week and do pushups and sit ups 7 days per week. It works.
  • alikat42
    alikat42 Posts: 213 Member
    I signed up for the Life Changing Challenge at the Y which uses a workout generator called MyMobileFit. It spits out a series of strength training exercises + 20 minutes of cardio. So...

    Monday - 30-45 minutes cardio
    Tuesday - MyMobileFit workout
    Wednesday - 30-45 minutes cardio
    Thursday - MyMobileFit workout
    Friday - 30-45 minutes cardio
    Saturday -MyMobileFit workout
    Sunday - Glorious rest day!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
  • Smiler40
    Smiler40 Posts: 14 Member

    This is what I do everyday, will review it again in 6 weeks :-
  • rachelnelson76
    rachelnelson76 Posts: 35 Member
    I do P90X Classic. On the weekends I add in extra cardio.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Now that I'm fancy and have a gym membership:

    Monday- 1hr Zumba
    Tuesday- 1hr Body Combat, 1hr Body Flow
    Wednesday- treadmill at home (30- 45 mins)
    Thursday- 1hr Body Combat, 1hr Body Flow
    Friday- Treadmill at home (30-45 mins)
    Sat- Rest
    Sunday- 1hr Zumba or rest

    For the next two months anyway... Hopefully I can continue to afford it. I'm in LOVE with Body Combat and if I could make it to more classes I would!