Just turned 40 and need to change...hope MFP can help!

I just turned 40 last week and have been overweight since being 11. I have the worst will power in the world and suffer from guilt dreadfully. I did Weight Loss Resources last year and lost 10lb in 5 weeks but a holiday got in the way and I lost my will power again. I am a full time regional HR Manager so stress and travelling also get in the way....am also mother to 7 year old twins which can also cause the need for alcohol!
I am really hoping I can do it this time and would welcome any fellow strugglers like me so we can support each other.
Kind regards


  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Rachel - My name is Sue. Welcome to MFP - there is a lot of good advice on this site and alot of people to help cheer you on. Feel free to add me....
  • I know exactly how you feel - I managed to lose 5 kgs last year which slowly went back on - I thought a trip to India would sort me out but I put on more weight. That was followed by a month of inactivity followed by a month of Christmas celebrations and another 5 kgs. And although I have the will power of Oliver Reed in a brewery I am determined to give it another go, so would be delighted to join your band of fellow strugglers to give and receive support where ever necessary -

    Good Luck

  • Hi rachael

    My name is Tasha and too am forthy. I am a married mother of 2 boys and have been heavy since after my children area born. My wt. Wax n wangs depending on my eating/activity. I gain and loss fairly easy. I recently started working out again after going t doctor in early December and the scale was at 208. I joined gym da next day and changed my eating habits. I weighted in at 193 Friday and was so happy to be under 200. My goal is 150.... I have a ways t go but I am determined

    You can do this add me and we can encourage one another and share tips
  • Whaleluvr
    Whaleluvr Posts: 156 Member
    Hi rachel........I am a 42 year old mother of 2..........I lost around 8 pounds eating a salad for lunch and dinner..........then we went on vacation.............and lost it............I just started on MFP about 2 weeks ago...........I have been weighing myself on Tuesdays, last Tuesday was my first weigh in, and I lost 3.6 pounds...........Starting tomorrow, I am going back to my salads for Lunch and supper....If I make grilled chicken for the family for supper, I will cut a piece up, and put it on my salad, and that will be my supper.....it's not as bad as you think.........it still fills you.......but, if you want to be friends, add me!!!!