2 weeks, and not a single pound



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    In three words. Lower the calories.
    Open up the diary to see what you eat.
    How tall are you and what's your actual weight?

    How can you advise this BEFORE seeing her diary?
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Also worth noting that a lot of the calorie burn estimates of exercises that MFP comes up with are exceptionally generous. That hour-long walk we did, for example? No way in hell that burned 500+ calories. A third of that, probably - half of it, maybe - but not 500+.

    Well, in my diary it didn't claim 500+. And it doesn't take into account any of the movement I do beyond existing. :)

    To everyone telling me to lower the calories, I don't think that would be a good plan, seeing as I'm already set to the calorie limit for losing 2 pounds a week. I am a rather large person to begin with. I can promise you I am eating well over 1200 a day.
  • MagisterMundi
    MagisterMundi Posts: 11 Member
    What did it say? Because this is what I saw posted:

    Akijade burned 533 calories doing 68 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog"
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Ahh, because I had another entry of cardio stuff that day. 8 minutes of dance cardio. Still, it likely wasn't that much.
  • marioncobretti
    It can be alot of things, keep in mind what others have mentioned. The scale and where its positioned might be an issue as well. Sometimes the floor can be uneven or not leveled correctly, that can cause the readings to be askew... another major component is the sodium intake, that can make you bloated. Your doing great, keep it up! maybe change the meal plan up a bit, look into low sodium, low sucre/sugar foods. Whole foods like raw vegetables/fruits that can easily be absorbed and flushed out the same way, can help! Avoid red meat that can also attribute to the stale mate on the scale. Denser proteins take longer to digest... some up to 6 days... Keep up the good work, your doin a wonderful job!

    p.s. make sure you weigh ur self in at the same or close to the same time... most suggest right in the morning, Because you wont have eaten/drank anything for several hours... different times in the week or day especially can sometimes be misleading. Set a base line and work from there! KEEP IT UP! YOU GOT THIS!