


  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    If you want to be social with your friends every weekend in an alcohol imbibing way, you're going to have to drink in moderation...drinking just to be social, not to get a "buzz." Which would be one drink...two maximum.

    And treat "drinking a lot" like an occasional treat that you don't do every weekend.

    Because what everyone else says is true. You can't have your cake and it it too. You can't consume 1000 extra calories of alcohol every Friday and/or Saturday and expect to lose weight. At least not easily. I'm partial to whiskey mixers. And I cry a little tear every time I log how many calories a teeny tiny "serving" is. So, while I'm trying to lose, I mostly drink for the enjoyment of the whiskey and for the company. Which is only one drink. And I savor every drop.

    Good luck.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I drink on the weekends, I make sure to do most of my exercises on the weekend so it will fit in my calorie intake, and I make sure to only drink once.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I can see many of the responses above are coming from Jesus himself. Thank GOODNESS no one on this site every cheats or goes over their calories, and shame on you for considering doing it.

    With that being said, I went out last night and easily drank 500+ calories worth of whiskey. BUT I also danced for about 3 hours, had a 30+ minute walk home (in heels, great for the calves) . Felt awful this morning so didn't really eat, went to the gym and still burned my 750 calories (250 more than I usually do to take care of the night before). So, if I do my math correctly... I didn't get fat from one night out. However, the hormones that would have been secreted from my stressful night of being sober likely WOULD have started to make me fat. I'll take drinking once a week and having a good time over that any day.

    Personally, cut the wine. You're killing yourself with the extra calories and sugar. Maybe a glass of wine, and then vodka shots on the side? Or if you're feeling daring, shots of vodka chased with wine. Best of both worlds:flowerforyou:
  • bnv08
    bnv08 Posts: 33 Member
  • ginag516
    ginag516 Posts: 44 Member
    I had to literally cut down the alcohol completely as to also "some" soda". It is very hard because my friends drink alot and I mean alot and i feel ackward at times because by the end of the day I am the only sober one. I am use to enjoying a bottle of wine on top of a nice meal it was a extreme bad habit so I had to completely say no to alcohol so slowly I am saying no to soda. I have to fine subtitud like carbonated water, natural juices and anything not to sweet like iced tea. It's already bad enough I love sweets!! but for something more healthier is no alcohol at all.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    There is no way to over-consume anything responsibly... granola or grain alcohol.

    I'm a recovering alcoholic with 5 years sobriety, so I got the grain alcohol under control, but.... I've got to figure out how not to go kick off a granola binge.

    Damn you!! Granola is the evil maiden of deliciousness! You wretched wench. You're grasp is inescapable!!

    mmmmmm... with brown sugar and heavy cream..... no no must stop...

    ...shut off Chrome ... get out of kitchen...
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member's no fun to be the sober, or mostly sober one while all your friends are drunk.

    Not true.

    In fact, it can be very entertaining.

    Do you know how easy drunk people are to manipulate?? And they're so cute sometimes - like bobble-head dolls.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I have cut back to just the weekends and have cut back to light beer.
  • I can see many of the responses above are coming from Jesus himself. Thank GOODNESS no one on this site every cheats or goes over their calories, and shame on you for considering doing it.

    With that being said, I went out last night and easily drank 500+ calories worth of whiskey. BUT I also danced for about 3 hours, had a 30+ minute walk home (in heels, great for the calves) . Felt awful this morning so didn't really eat, went to the gym and still burned my 750 calories (250 more than I usually do to take care of the night before). So, if I do my math correctly... I didn't get fat from one night out. However, the hormones that would have been secreted from my stressful night of being sober likely WOULD have started to make me fat. I'll take drinking once a week and having a good time over that any day.

    Personally, cut the wine. You're killing yourself with the extra calories and sugar. Maybe a glass of wine, and then vodka shots on the side? Or if you're feeling daring, shots of vodka chased with wine. Best of both worlds:flowerforyou:

    well put! active drinking is where it is at... drinking (non sugary) shots and dancing the night away won't make you fat, its the drunk food you decide to eat. I drink about once a week- it hasn't made me overweight yet!
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member

    well put! active drinking is where it is at... drinking (non sugary) shots and dancing the night away won't make you fat, its the drunk food you decide to eat. I drink about once a week- it hasn't made me overweight yet!

    My thoughts exactly!