cant shed the lbs

Please help I workout, Jillians dvds, eliptical, treadmill, rip 60. I mix them up atleast 5 days a week.
I try to do the 1500 calories and usually am close.
I cannot shed the pounds. Would I be better off doing just cardio until i love the lbs and inches. Its not just the lbs its also the inches that are going away! ..

Thanks for your replies!


  • Have you lost any weight so far? You could've hit that dreadful plateau if not I would try more cardio and examine the foods your eating,I hope this helps
  • I've also hit a's very frustrating and I dont know where to go!
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    You might just be losing mass as opposed to weight. Try not to overthink it, and carry on. :)
  • halpinj1
    halpinj1 Posts: 22 Member
    your body might be intolerant of certain foods you're eating. if you can, go see a nutritionist and they'll be able to help figure out what it is that isn't working in your system. if you can't go to a nutritionist, try cutting one thing out like steak or eggs or whatever for fourteen days at a time and see which one works. OR you might not be intolerant at all! make sure you're getting enough sleep and that you are eating enough- if you don't eat enough protein or enough calories in general, then your system will think that its starving and will try to maintain fat content and calories. I hope this helps, just some things I've learned from various sources over time. good luck!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories?
  • what r u eating, just because you are close or under 1500 calories a day, you could be eating things that are making your body store fat...just a suggestion, my weight did not move until I looked at what I was eating.