Weight Loss Before Pregnancy?

Hi guys,
I have a 14 month old daughter, and before I got pregnant with her I was already about 20 lbs. overweight (175). I'm now down to 160, with a goal of 140 by the summer. This also happens to be when my husband and I have decided to start trying for another baby. I was wondering if any of you have lost weight successfully and then gotten pregnant (or if you're married to a woman, if she went through this). I just wanted to hear about your experiences. Did you gain all of your weight back PLUS the pregnancy weight, or did you gain the normal amount of pregnancy weight?

I plan on watching my calorie intake when/if we do get pregnant again, just so I can be sure I'm not totally overdoing it, but sometimes I cringe a little bit when I think of how hard I've worked to lose this weight only to be gaining it all back again!

Thoughts? Experiences?


  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    I was overweight before my first two pregnancies. I am 5ft11 and weighed about 190 before both of them. By 9 months in, I was pushing 240!
    After my second, I got down to 170ish using WW.. then got pregnant. I managed to only gain 20 lbs. So that was good. And then I was able to lose that weight fairly easily and hovered around 175 for a while.
    I walked a TON after baby 3 was born, though. Lots of miles pushing the stroller with my friend. And chasing my other 2 kids around.
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    I am newly married, and my husband and I are in the same boat. We would like to try getting pregnant with our first in September, and my goal is to lose 60lbs by then. I am at 254 right now. I too worry about losing all the weight, and then getting pregnant and gaining it all back. I'm hoping that by making sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle for both me and the baby, I won't gain too much back, and I won't have as hard of a time losing it. From what I've been told, it's much easier to lose baby weight after you've gotten to a healthy weight. If you're already overweight, it's difficult to get to your pre-pregnancy weight.
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    Did you watch your calories closely, or did it just happen naturally that you only gained 20 during the 3rd pregnancy? I'm very curious about this. I went from 175 to 210 with my first, and while I was walking a LOT from working as a waitress, I didn't worry about calories or even think about them at all. I wouldn't mind gaining 35 again. I just don't want to gain 50 or 60 or more!
  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    bump. I am getting pretty close to my goal but my husband and I have been talking about trying to get pregnant in the next year. I'm curious to see what others say!