Ummm...Hello, is this thing on??

Hi, this is the second time I've logged onto this site even though I joined some time ago. I guess that's proof of my lack of motivation and committment, something I am not proud of. I REALLY need support, some encouraging words each day...some people who will stick with me for awile until I get a grasp on this.

In the past 2 years I've gained 40 pounds. I never expected this to happen because I lost 130 plus from gastric bypass several years ago. Suddenly I'm back to my old cravings, full on. I don't want to overeat, slippery slope. I feel like crap, a lump that sits on the couch most of the day thinking about food..obsessing over food at times like it's a fix.

I recently joined a weight loss challenge in our area, thinking that along with the contest there would be some support channels to help you reach your goal...I was wrong. You would think at least a couple people would want to connect and support one another, but the FB pages is blank and I have posted without any rebuttal.

So that's my story...I really would love it if a couple of you would join me in a supportive circle. It really helps!! I'm doing good today :happy: