over eating Advice

I seem to never make it to my calorie goal, I always seem to go over =[ I just always feel so hungry. And going from eating everything and eating around 2,500 calories a day to trying to cut back to 1,400 seems impossible. I felt like there first 20 pounds just fell off me. I'll I had to do is workout and changed a little bit of my eating habits but now I've been stuck and I really think it's b/c i'm still not eating right. So how did you guys over come the bad eating habit and over eating way to much. I feel like my body is in shock right now and is always saying feed me b/c I'm just not use to eating so little calories. Did anyone else feel this way in the beginning?


  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    Get out of the house and go for a walk..Drink lots of water..And eat food that will fell you up!
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    Whole foods are best and more filling. Don't eat the prepackage junk. Eat fruit and veg and plain yogurt for your snacks.

    Increase your fiber and water intake and you will feel fuller.
  • cooter2533
    Drinking a lot of water helps, Also keep healthy food/snacks in the house and try to get rid of the unhealthy stuff. also its all about planning planning planning. Try to eat foods that are very satiating and filling like oatmeal, rice, low cal bread, etc. Also low cal foods like fruits and veggies can really help keep you full and make it through out the day.
  • pokergal76
    In the past, I found that if I completely cut out all refined sugar, and ate foods hight in fiber( raw vegetables, whole grains ) it really helped. It will stabilize your blood sugar and get rid of those cravings.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Don't know what ur food diary looks like, but eating too much of the wrong foods will leave you feeling hungry at the end of the day. Also take it slow and easy on weight lose. The faster you lose weight the faster your body will try to put it back on you when you finish your diet. Giving yourself time allows time to get good eating habits that will allow you to keep the weight off for the rest of your life. I don't know what is recommended for you, but it sounds like eating 2500 to 1500 isn't going to help you. Eat more, lose slower, give your body a change to catch up to the new you, this is a lifestyle change, you will have to keep up good eating habits for the rest of your life.
  • AprilG412
    I found that eating small apples help me. Pick the ones you like and when you feel lie eating eat one. They are only 50 - 70 calories and lots of nuts. If you like vegetables have at it. Believe me it works and I am a meat and potatoes kind of girl. Also flavor your water with lemon or put lots of ice. It makes me feel like I am drinking alot of water, because I have to keep filling it up. Hope this helps. I am not anywhere near my goal, but I know I will be there. It took years to put it on, so it may take months to take it off.
  • cheninaerin
    your body probably is in a bit of shock, try going down in intervals. 2500 to 2200, 2200 to 2000, 2000 to 1800, etcetra. when you slowly wean yourself off of big calorie intakes, you'll be shocked to discover how much your body truly needs. remember to drink lots of water. big gulps in between bites. you feel much fuller much faster. also eat foods that are filling, like lean protien and whole grains- as well as fruits and veggies.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    A few tips for you
    Your protein seems on the low side, but a lot of your calories are quick-add, so that's probably why. Protein is more filling to a lot of people.
    Try to prepare as much of your food as possible so you have the full calorie and nutrition facts. You may be losing a lot of accuracy with all those quick-adds.
    For some folks, like me, eating 5-6 times a day (smaller meals) helps to keep yourself satiated. It's nice to know the next meal is just around the corner.
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    eat more protein and find some foods that are lower in calories, but provide satiety. i've got a few go to foods that i always try to have around for when i'm feeling snacky that won't blow my whole day for me.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    It looked like your snacks are taking up a big part of your day... maybe swap some of those for healthier/lower calorie choices?
    I'm finding if I eat every 2 hours (but a smaller quantity than a full meal) that I don't feel hungry. And ditto on the water - keep a glass near you and instead of nibbling, take a few gulps of water.
  • visualsoul
    eat when you feel you need to eat BUT only eat things that have ingredients that you can pronounce, so that will exclude almost everything in a box or plastic wrapper, those things are not good for you especially when you don't know how to use moderation