Do you get told "You don't need to lose any weight"



  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    I'm down a couple of pounds (was 278) and now that people see me, they tell me that I don't need to lose anymore weight. Through my eyes, 197 isn't where I need or want to be, but on a daily I have family and neighbors tell me otherwise. It's infuriating, though I know that deep down they mean well.. and so do I when I drown 'em out.

    You have to do what makes YOU happy. :smile:
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Maybe don't make it about weight loss but about becoming more physically fit. I'd think people would have a hard time saying, "you don't need to be able to run a mile faster." or "You don't need to not want to hate feeling winded after climbing a flight of stairs."
  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    Maybe don't make it about weight loss but about becoming more physically fit. I'd think people would have a hard time saying, "you don't need to be able to run a mile faster." or "You don't need to not want to hate feeling winded after climbing a flight of stairs."

    Love this :smile:
  • kathy_nyc
    Yup for sure!
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    All the time!!
  • andreacord
    My Grandma used to pretty much make comments that I was fat without actually using said word, and then I lost twenty pounds and I was getting "too skinny".. yeah no I'm still packing around a nice gut.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    To answer: Nope. I have not been told that.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Me neither. When I tell people I need to lose about 10 more pounds, I actually get the look of: "oh honey, you need to lose far more than that. you poor dear."
  • ImSoPerfectlyFlawed
    ImSoPerfectlyFlawed Posts: 127 Member
    All the time
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    Yep. I'm 5 "9, 165 now. Was 205. I should be getting down to 150's soon then maybe more. People say you look too thin now. But I'm not! Still have a belly to work on losing. Almost done too. I did lose all over though.
  • Raskerzz
    I agree I have had the most luck saying I am making a lifestyle change to feel better, or that I just want to be more toned and in better shape. I have just received better reactions from putting it in a different light!
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
    If my sister tells me one more time to STOP losing, idk what I'm going to say to her!

    Oh, and a really good friend of mine--who also used to train w/me and has an 8pack
    told me I needed to put bricks in my pockets when going outdoors in the wind!! :explode:
  • ImJDLookatME
    I was told that when I started on this journey and am still be told this. I am 6'1 so even when I weighed 178 it would spread out, didn't mean I wasn't unhealthy! Good luck on your journey!
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    Boy I obviously don't have that problem - but really - you just gotta do this for you. You know your own body and what makes you comfortable and confident. That's all that matters. Everyone is different and people will get on your nerves about many things but in the long run it's none of their dang business!!

    >>>Come to think of it there's this lady at work who has asked me if i'm finished losing weight. I look at her and nicely say no - in my mind i'm thinking "are you crazy?-Can't you see I'm still Obese??". This lady is much larger than me -and a very nice lady, but I think it's kinda funny she asks me that, as if i'd say yep. I'm done.

    And on a side note -I don't desire to be rail thin - I'm 5 ft 7 and my goal weight is 160 but honestly it's been so long since i've seen anything under 210 - i'll probably start to feel pretty darn hot at 180!! To each his own :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Yep. I have had a few people at work say, "Oh you don't need to watch what you eat now that you're skinny" (I'm a healthy weight, not skinny) and I'm like..."huh? I still have to work at being healthy."
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Today actually lol i made the paper for "what you do during the winter months" where they ask questions to random people walking out of walmart my answer was that i work out and that i'd lost 40lbs since last year. so now everyone has seen the paper and a co-work said i had no idea you'd lost that much weight (i didnt know her when i was heavy) she said congrats i said thanks im still trying to lose another about 30more lbs and she goes OH sweetie you look great now i said well for sure another 15 and then ill be deciding from there and she goes really you dont need to lose anymore. (its awkward what to say after that lol) well i plan to is usually my response
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I get that line all the time. Its really annoying. It's my body and if I am not happy I want to change it. I could understand concern if I were going about it by starving myself or something but I eat very healthy and prefer a slender body type on me. People who say this are a lot of times are people who are heavier then me & assume I am fishing for compliments or attention. Just because someone is smaller then you or what you consider I thin/healthy body doesn't mean they are satisfied with it, I'm happy others think I have a nice figure but I want to feel that way too. I wish more people were supportive of me wanting to lose weight/be in shape but they are to busy telling me I'm crazy or don't need to. I get more support from friends on mfp then real life!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Exactly. I feel like people don't care what I'M comfortable with. If they think I'm fine they just seem to get mad at me!

    I think a lot of it is also that we (I know I do) judge ourselves soooo much harder then a friend or family member would. I pick myself apart from top to bottom but of course other people don't do that to you (unless they are jerks lol). I mean I don't notice flaws on others (cellulite, stretch marks etc) Some girls I work with (I'm a dancer) are 10-20 pounds heavier then me, I think look great and I am envious of their bodies, when they probably have the same issues & body problems I have & they act like I am nuts for thinking I need to lose weight when I weigh 118 at 5'4. But I know what I want to weigh and how I want to look so I guess I have to be my own motivation/support.
  • Jaylaan
    Jaylaan Posts: 9 Member
    It's human nature, people say that all the time. They feel awkward to agree with you, very few people will be straightforward on such a sensitive topic... besides it's a personal and subjective... if you know you need to lose some weight and you want to then by all means go ahead.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    im 206 and people think im 170 or so .. when i tell them i still need to lose 36lbs their eyes bug out and they say "you dont want to be too skinny !! better watch your health"... i do workout a lot and have a lot of muscle now so i probably do not look my weight but geeez .. no one ever said anything to me about my health when i was tipping the scales at 300.. i hear ''wow you never looked like you were that much'.. so what i say to you is to do what you feel you need to do., dont be worrying about what others say.. dont know if id want to be 130 at 5'8" but its not my body.. im 5'7" and ill be quite content at 170 ..