800 calories a day?



  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i've heard the best way to speed up ur metabolism is to eat more often. just smaller stuff. the longer u wait to eat then ur body goes in starvation mode then it will store what u eat because it doesn't know when it will get to eat again. and yes i think 800 sounds dangerous. i think if u really want to cut back start off slow like maybe going to 1100. though i wouldn't actually recomment that. lol
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I know this may sound crazy but how about eating some food and exercising?
  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    Typing all in upper case = yelling.

    SHE SAID SORRY!! Yes I am yelling bc she already said sorry and you said something about it again. move on. Thank you =)

    This thread is six pages long. We have all moved on. Thank you. :flowerforyou:

    well when i wrote that I didnt realize how long it was and was only on like page three. thanks =)
  • monmoen
    monmoen Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with most of the posts....eating only 800 cals a day is only going to slow your matabolism. I'd buy a bag of celery and peanut butter for snacks...100% whole grain bread, tuna, low sodium deli meat, plain-low fat greek yogurt etc. and then boost your Cardio and weight training....or if you're not into exercise try taking the stairs between classes etc. I know food is expensive...but a bag of celery is comparable to a box of mac and cheese and will last all week instead of just one meal :) Good luck, I wish the best for you!!
  • littlebeans
    littlebeans Posts: 36 Member
    Are there any dollar stores around you? Believe it or not you can find some good stuff there like low sugar apple sauce, peanut butter, canned mandarin oranges, raisins, canned beans, whole grain pastas, soups, mac and cheese (everything in moderation, people) even whole grain bread. I'm a full time working adult but I still stop into dollar stores. I love a bargain.

    When I was in college I used to make mac and cheese a lot BUT I used to try to improve it. I'd take a box of mac, not use all of the sauce and just add skim milk, then I would add canned drained peas and a can of drained tuna. Sounds crazy? Maybe, but it was good and had both veggies and protein when I needed it.

    Are you totally independent financially? If not, perhaps ask your parents or any other relatives if they can help at all with food, even if it means getting leftovers to take back with you. If you are completely on your own and really can't afford food, I'd seriously consider applying for SNAP (what we used to call food stamps.) Food insecurity is never a good thing for our bodies or health, short or long term.
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    Honestly you are consuming quite a bit of sodium. Milk does have calories also and that could be putting you well over what it takes to lose weight. See if you can switch to almond milk the unsweetened. It does have calcium added.

    I am on a 800 calorie a day diet BUT...I am following doctor's orders. I see him once a week for monitoring. I also will eat 1200 and that 400 additional is from lean protein or extra veggies.

    I eat no pasta at all.
    No bread
    No deli meat - that is full of sodium.

    Do you have friends that have a george foreman grill? Cook up a bunch of chicken for the week and eat that.

    How do you keep food cold in your dorm room? Do you have a mini fridge? Cut up loads of veggies and have it already bagged.

    Hardboil eggs a friends house also.

    The processed foods are what is causing your body to hold onto weight. I drink diet soda and that is what is holding me back. I need to drink more water and I know it.
  • Rosemarose
    Rosemarose Posts: 69 Member
    One thing that happened to me in the past when I tried this, is I became "skinny fat". Sure I was pretty thin, but not toned in the slightest (not a good look). PLUS this deprivation can't last forever and as soon as I started going back to my old diet, I gained it all back. Now I'm starting over and losing by exercise and trying to bring in some healthy options into my daily diet. Good luck.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member

    Hi, I'm Sue and I can be slightly obnoxious but since you asked :)

    First you might have heard that lowering your intake to 800 calories a day is risky, it's not... it's just desperation and self punshment and man have I been there... and so have all these other nay sayers..... when you're facing the impossible sometimes you're willing to take those chances.... do I support it no... because I really know what they think they know.... I've faced the demon and I know it's tricks :) .... but you have to do what you have to do for you and I will try and give you some healthy choices

    first cereal.... have a cup of a good cereal in the mornings...even if the thought of breakfast makes you puke... do it.... and throw a banana on there too... don't care if you like them or not... they are high in potassium and filling and the calories in the morning will get you going for your day... breakfast is going to be your best opportunity to add calories to your day....watch what fruits you get... some are way higher in calories than others..... choose a fruit with lower calories so you can have more of them....cheese,yogurt and cottage cheese or boiled eggs are all things that are quick and easy to premake and keep in your fridge at home.....you can buy an egg boiler for your microwave.....egg salad is another cheap meal... use real mayo instead of miracle whip.... you get used to it fast...it made me gag at first and now I can't stand miracle whip.....TEA is a great way to start your day.... it's a warm feeling in your tummy as you leave the house, the caffeine kick gets you going and it's a natural diuretic to help flush excess water out of your system. Stay away from Juices, sweetened drinks of any kind and regular sugar..... I don't care what anyone says... diet coke has been a savior to me when I was hungry, craving or just needing something to put in my mouth.... water is obviously the BEST choice.... there I said it... but whatever works to keep YOU hydrated and pushing fluids through works for me :)

    Tuna or salmon on a wrap for lunch if you like that, or lettice and cheese with cucumber, that's easy to store pack and wrap. buy chicken breasts and cut them into chunks and make chicken salad wraps, low calories, a couple of chicken breasts with celery and peppers chopped into them can be used for all kinds of meals or salads. Cheap and transportable. Make a list of vegetables that you WILL eat, not necessarily ones that you LOVE.... be real about this....if you want to lose weight you are going to have to explore new food options... the old ones aren't working for you.... you can't just cut down the amount you are eating of the same foods. Believe me, I ENJOY foods now that I wouldn't have even tried before..... and sometimes it took me a dozen tries before I really enjoyed them, but I do and it's been worth it. Try and stay away from breads, pasta's and processed rice..... if you are going to have carbs...... have natural ones....real potatoes in the can can be heated up in the microwave.... one cup is only 105 calories....have that with some a chicken breast seasoned and cooked in a microwave steamer bag and some veggies and you've got a great meal with a low calorie count.....Also you can get whole cooked chickens at zehrs.... buy one enjoy it for dinner and then cut up the leftovers into pieces for salads, and wraps.

    I know you're a broke student and a lot of times you guys turn to the pot noodles or kraft dinner, instant stuff and that's the worst stuff out there for you. It's quick easy and cheap and fattening as hell. The best advice I can give you is to keep it as simple as possible. Make simple meals with out garnishments and concentrate on natural ingredients. Anything prepared is from this day forward taboo.... Buy some tupperware and make it yourself.... think of it this way.... you're eating healthier and while you're standing there making it you're burning calories......Carbs really are the devil

    Please reconsider lowering your calories to 800 a day. From repeated personal experience I found that I would starve myself and be determined for a couple of months and I WOULD lose some weight... at first a lot then it would slow down dramatically.... I would be angry and frustrated and blame myself for not being able to do this.... and finally give in and have to start eating again.... when I did my body rebounded and DEMANDED to be fed until it was back to it's previous comfort zone and beyond....

    I just don't want to see you delay your weightloss by doing something that's just not going to work in the long term....

    Good luck :)
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Seriously, sunshine if you think that yoyo dieting when you want to lose a few pounds is the answer you've got to stop and realize that you're already starting to see the effects......

    Where before you had to drop your calories to 1200 to lose weight.... now you have to maintain at 1200 and drop to 800 to lose the weight you've gained BACK..... you must see where this is going... if you don't change your eating habits for life you're going to end up teeter tottering up a LOT higher than anyone wants to see.....

    Please don't play with something as important as your diet... if you're already having challenges at your age obviously something isn't working......
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Hi, I'm Sue and I can be slightly obnoxious but since you asked :)

    First you might have heard that lowering your intake to 800 calories a day is risky, it's not... it's just desperation and self punshment and man have I been there... and so have all these other nay sayers..... when you're facing the impossible sometimes you're willing to take those chances.... do I support it no... because I really know what they think they know.... I've faced the demon and I know it's tricks :) .... but you have to do what you have to do for you and I will try and give you some healthy choices

    first cereal.... have a cup of a good cereal in the mornings...even if the thought of breakfast makes you puke... do it.... and throw a banana on there too... don't care if you like them or not... they are high in potassium and filling and the calories in the morning will get you going for your day... breakfast is going to be your best opportunity to add calories to your day....watch what fruits you get... some are way higher in calories than others..... choose a fruit with lower calories so you can have more of them....cheese,yogurt and cottage cheese or boiled eggs are all things that are quick and easy to premake and keep in your fridge at home.....you can buy an egg boiler for your microwave.....egg salad is another cheap meal... use real mayo instead of miracle whip.... you get used to it fast...it made me gag at first and now I can't stand miracle whip.....TEA is a great way to start your day.... it's a warm feeling in your tummy as you leave the house, the caffeine kick gets you going and it's a natural diuretic to help flush excess water out of your system. Stay away from Juices, sweetened drinks of any kind and regular sugar..... I don't care what anyone says... diet coke has been a savior to me when I was hungry, craving or just needing something to put in my mouth.... water is obviously the BEST choice.... there I said it... but whatever works to keep YOU hydrated and pushing fluids through works for me :)

    Tuna or salmon on a wrap for lunch if you like that, or lettice and cheese with cucumber, that's easy to store pack and wrap. buy chicken breasts and cut them into chunks and make chicken salad wraps, low calories, a couple of chicken breasts with celery and peppers chopped into them can be used for all kinds of meals or salads. Cheap and transportable. Make a list of vegetables that you WILL eat, not necessarily ones that you LOVE.... be real about this....if you want to lose weight you are going to have to explore new food options... the old ones aren't working for you.... you can't just cut down the amount you are eating of the same foods. Believe me, I ENJOY foods now that I wouldn't have even tried before..... and sometimes it took me a dozen tries before I really enjoyed them, but I do and it's been worth it. Try and stay away from breads, pasta's and processed rice..... if you are going to have carbs...... have natural ones....real potatoes in the can can be heated up in the microwave.... one cup is only 105 calories....have that with some a chicken breast seasoned and cooked in a microwave steamer bag and some veggies and you've got a great meal with a low calorie count.....Also you can get whole cooked chickens at zehrs.... buy one enjoy it for dinner and then cut up the leftovers into pieces for salads, and wraps.

    I know you're a broke student and a lot of times you guys turn to the pot noodles or kraft dinner, instant stuff and that's the worst stuff out there for you. It's quick easy and cheap and fattening as hell. The best advice I can give you is to keep it as simple as possible. Make simple meals with out garnishments and concentrate on natural ingredients. Anything prepared is from this day forward taboo.... Buy some tupperware and make it yourself.... think of it this way.... you're eating healthier and while you're standing there making it you're burning calories......Carbs really are the devil

    Please reconsider lowering your calories to 800 a day. From repeated personal experience I found that I would starve myself and be determined for a couple of months and I WOULD lose some weight... at first a lot then it would slow down dramatically.... I would be angry and frustrated and blame myself for not being able to do this.... and finally give in and have to start eating again.... when I did my body rebounded and DEMANDED to be fed until it was back to it's previous comfort zone and beyond....

    I just don't want to see you delay your weightloss by doing something that's just not going to work in the long term....

    Good luck :)

    Is this the longest troll post ever on this forum? Wow...:noway:
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member

    Hi, I'm Sue and I can be slightly obnoxious but since you asked :)

    First you might have heard that lowering your intake to 800 calories a day is risky, it's not... it's just desperation and self punshment and man have I been there... and so have all these other nay sayers..... when you're facing the impossible sometimes you're willing to take those chances.... do I support it no... because I really know what they think they know.... I've faced the demon and I know it's tricks :) .... but you have to do what you have to do for you and I will try and give you some healthy choices

    first cereal.... have a cup of a good cereal in the mornings...even if the thought of breakfast makes you puke... do it.... and throw a banana on there too... don't care if you like them or not... they are high in potassium and filling and the calories in the morning will get you going for your day... breakfast is going to be your best opportunity to add calories to your day....watch what fruits you get... some are way higher in calories than others..... choose a fruit with lower calories so you can have more of them....cheese,yogurt and cottage cheese or boiled eggs are all things that are quick and easy to premake and keep in your fridge at home.....you can buy an egg boiler for your microwave.....egg salad is another cheap meal... use real mayo instead of miracle whip.... you get used to it fast...it made me gag at first and now I can't stand miracle whip.....TEA is a great way to start your day.... it's a warm feeling in your tummy as you leave the house, the caffeine kick gets you going and it's a natural diuretic to help flush excess water out of your system. Stay away from Juices, sweetened drinks of any kind and regular sugar..... I don't care what anyone says... diet coke has been a savior to me when I was hungry, craving or just needing something to put in my mouth.... water is obviously the BEST choice.... there I said it... but whatever works to keep YOU hydrated and pushing fluids through works for me :)

    Tuna or salmon on a wrap for lunch if you like that, or lettice and cheese with cucumber, that's easy to store pack and wrap. buy chicken breasts and cut them into chunks and make chicken salad wraps, low calories, a couple of chicken breasts with celery and peppers chopped into them can be used for all kinds of meals or salads. Cheap and transportable. Make a list of vegetables that you WILL eat, not necessarily ones that you LOVE.... be real about this....if you want to lose weight you are going to have to explore new food options... the old ones aren't working for you.... you can't just cut down the amount you are eating of the same foods. Believe me, I ENJOY foods now that I wouldn't have even tried before..... and sometimes it took me a dozen tries before I really enjoyed them, but I do and it's been worth it. Try and stay away from breads, pasta's and processed rice..... if you are going to have carbs...... have natural ones....real potatoes in the can can be heated up in the microwave.... one cup is only 105 calories....have that with some a chicken breast seasoned and cooked in a microwave steamer bag and some veggies and you've got a great meal with a low calorie count.....Also you can get whole cooked chickens at zehrs.... buy one enjoy it for dinner and then cut up the leftovers into pieces for salads, and wraps.

    I know you're a broke student and a lot of times you guys turn to the pot noodles or kraft dinner, instant stuff and that's the worst stuff out there for you. It's quick easy and cheap and fattening as hell. The best advice I can give you is to keep it as simple as possible. Make simple meals with out garnishments and concentrate on natural ingredients. Anything prepared is from this day forward taboo.... Buy some tupperware and make it yourself.... think of it this way.... you're eating healthier and while you're standing there making it you're burning calories......Carbs really are the devil

    Please reconsider lowering your calories to 800 a day. From repeated personal experience I found that I would starve myself and be determined for a couple of months and I WOULD lose some weight... at first a lot then it would slow down dramatically.... I would be angry and frustrated and blame myself for not being able to do this.... and finally give in and have to start eating again.... when I did my body rebounded and DEMANDED to be fed until it was back to it's previous comfort zone and beyond....

    I just don't want to see you delay your weightloss by doing something that's just not going to work in the long term....

    Good luck :)

    Is this the longest troll post ever on this forum? Wow...:noway:

    My apologies... I will from now on offer what little I know about losing weight to a maximum of 138 characters at a time.... at least that way I still get to see my name on the board... who cares if you really help or not :)

    I see that in all of your posts you offer no serious advice, only light off the cuff eat less exercise more..... brag that you eat like to eat 800 calories per meal, and laugh at every one else's advice.... Why exactly are YOU on this site since you have all the answers? I'm here to share what works for ME... and learn what works for others so I can try new things......:ohwell:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member

    Hi, I'm Sue and I can be slightly obnoxious but since you asked :)

    First you might have heard that lowering your intake to 800 calories a day is risky, it's not... it's just desperation and self punshment and man have I been there... and so have all these other nay sayers..... when you're facing the impossible sometimes you're willing to take those chances.... do I support it no... because I really know what they think they know.... I've faced the demon and I know it's tricks :) .... but you have to do what you have to do for you and I will try and give you some healthy choices

    first cereal.... have a cup of a good cereal in the mornings...even if the thought of breakfast makes you puke... do it.... and throw a banana on there too... don't care if you like them or not... they are high in potassium and filling and the calories in the morning will get you going for your day... breakfast is going to be your best opportunity to add calories to your day....watch what fruits you get... some are way higher in calories than others..... choose a fruit with lower calories so you can have more of them....cheese,yogurt and cottage cheese or boiled eggs are all things that are quick and easy to premake and keep in your fridge at home.....you can buy an egg boiler for your microwave.....egg salad is another cheap meal... use real mayo instead of miracle whip.... you get used to it fast...it made me gag at first and now I can't stand miracle whip.....TEA is a great way to start your day.... it's a warm feeling in your tummy as you leave the house, the caffeine kick gets you going and it's a natural diuretic to help flush excess water out of your system. Stay away from Juices, sweetened drinks of any kind and regular sugar..... I don't care what anyone says... diet coke has been a savior to me when I was hungry, craving or just needing something to put in my mouth.... water is obviously the BEST choice.... there I said it... but whatever works to keep YOU hydrated and pushing fluids through works for me :)

    Tuna or salmon on a wrap for lunch if you like that, or lettice and cheese with cucumber, that's easy to store pack and wrap. buy chicken breasts and cut them into chunks and make chicken salad wraps, low calories, a couple of chicken breasts with celery and peppers chopped into them can be used for all kinds of meals or salads. Cheap and transportable. Make a list of vegetables that you WILL eat, not necessarily ones that you LOVE.... be real about this....if you want to lose weight you are going to have to explore new food options... the old ones aren't working for you.... you can't just cut down the amount you are eating of the same foods. Believe me, I ENJOY foods now that I wouldn't have even tried before..... and sometimes it took me a dozen tries before I really enjoyed them, but I do and it's been worth it. Try and stay away from breads, pasta's and processed rice..... if you are going to have carbs...... have natural ones....real potatoes in the can can be heated up in the microwave.... one cup is only 105 calories....have that with some a chicken breast seasoned and cooked in a microwave steamer bag and some veggies and you've got a great meal with a low calorie count.....Also you can get whole cooked chickens at zehrs.... buy one enjoy it for dinner and then cut up the leftovers into pieces for salads, and wraps.

    I know you're a broke student and a lot of times you guys turn to the pot noodles or kraft dinner, instant stuff and that's the worst stuff out there for you. It's quick easy and cheap and fattening as hell. The best advice I can give you is to keep it as simple as possible. Make simple meals with out garnishments and concentrate on natural ingredients. Anything prepared is from this day forward taboo.... Buy some tupperware and make it yourself.... think of it this way.... you're eating healthier and while you're standing there making it you're burning calories......Carbs really are the devil

    Please reconsider lowering your calories to 800 a day. From repeated personal experience I found that I would starve myself and be determined for a couple of months and I WOULD lose some weight... at first a lot then it would slow down dramatically.... I would be angry and frustrated and blame myself for not being able to do this.... and finally give in and have to start eating again.... when I did my body rebounded and DEMANDED to be fed until it was back to it's previous comfort zone and beyond....

    I just don't want to see you delay your weightloss by doing something that's just not going to work in the long term....

    Good luck :)

    Is this the longest troll post ever on this forum? Wow...:noway:

    My apologies... I will from now on offer what little I know about losing weight to a maximum of 138 characters at a time.... at least that way I still get to see my name on the board... who cares if you really help or not :)

    I see that in all of your posts you offer no serious advice, only light off the cuff eat less exercise more..... brag that you eat like to eat 800 calories per meal, and laugh at every one else's advice.... Why exactly are YOU on this site since you have all the answers? I'm here to share what works for ME... and learn what works for others so I can try new things......:ohwell:

    Well, in the last page he gave the advice "eat more and exercise more" and I'd say that's about the best summary of the actual worthwhile advice on this clusterf*ck of a thread.

    OP, it sounds like you're underestimating the amount of walking you do in a day and can probably afford to eat 1300-1400 for weight loss with no additional exercise. Because you don't have a considerable amount of weight to lose, DO NOT DROP YOUR CALORIES BELOW 1200. What will happen is you'll get hungry and frustrated then gain the weight back. And then you're back to square one.

    Here's my advice:

    1. Eat more than 1200 calories

    2. Bagged salads, tuna pouches, Campbell's Select Harvest soups, etc.

    3. I had every illegal appliance known to man while at the dorms at Penn State. Let's see...ramen noodles or a grilled chicken breast on a renegade George Foreman? I'll take the chicken, thanks, and will hide the grill when the staff comes around to "inspect." Just don't burn stuff and set off the smoke alarm. That's key.

    4. Try to utilize your campus gym or walk more.
This discussion has been closed.