A Well Thought Out Rant With Several Points... Enjoy!

I'm not sure if this would be beneficial to anyone but me... but here it goes...

So you know how you can view or print a daily, weekly, or monthly report at the bottom of your food diary that will include your food logs and exercise logs as well as the option for food notes and exercise notes (granted my food notes are usually cynical quips about how I'm not in the mood for healthy eating that day, or my justification for requiring EXACTLY that much sugar in my coffee on that particular morning... while my exercise log notes tend to mostly just try and explain how I turned hooking up my mother's wireless network which included legitimate exercises such as climbing below four different desks in four different rooms, briskly going back and forth between the rooms to the four farthest corners of the house and then repeating the process again another 6 or 7 times while doing some serious troubleshooting. Now there just isn't a category for that in the exercise database but it was at least a good two hours of cardio, bending, squatting, contorting, etc... which I should get some sort of credit for, right?) But I digress...

The initial purpose of my post was I am doing this weight loss program under the care of a physician and it would be super cool if there was an e-mail function to go along with these reports so that I can show my doctor as well as friends, rivals, other members ect.. how well or how poorly I was doing and get some feedback from some human beings. It would also be a great way to share recipes on here although I'm still new so perhaps recipe sharing function does exist. Anyway, does anyone else see the value in this idea? Now I realize with my doc I can save the file and print or send via an outside e-mail service. But on a more personal member relations level...

I think it would be super cool to say to a member I've been chatting with and getting to know hey check out my journal today! I had a great day and you should try that recipe I had for lunch? Or a member shares her day with me and I say how on earth are you getting the calories in that morning latte down so low. I'd love to try it! See the possibilities?

And now for my second issue... as for the wireless network installation exercise issue... now just as a reminder I spent 2 whole hours this evening which included 120 minutes of climbing under four different desks, in four different rooms, in four different corners of the house, briskly going back and forth between the rooms, climbing back under, climbing back out are repeating the process again another 6 or 7 times while doing some serious troubleshooting. Now there just isn't a category for that in the exercise database and I don't have the slightest calories I may have burned doing all that so I can't possible make my own entry. But damn it was at least a good hour and a half of cardio, bending, squatting, contorting, etc... which I should get some sort of credit for, right?

My best answer to this dreadful time consuming challenge was:
Cleaning, light, moderate effort 60mins 277 calories. I figured that took care of most of rolling around under desks rewiring for fun and there certainly was some cleaning involved. Plus Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace 25mins 175 calories. While there was a good deal of brisk walking from room to room I just counted 25mins of the hour and 45 minute ordeal just to play fair. After all I am looking for some semblance of accuracy. Finally, the climbing back out from under desks plus the 3 (6-8in) step landing I went up and down at least 2 dozen times led me to add Aerobics, step, with 6-8 inch step for only 5 minutes for 78 calories.

For those still keeping track my total comes to only 90 minutes and 530 calories burned. I haven't the slightest idea if that's even in the ballpark of what I exerted this evening. Could be over could be under. I've seen some other name brand pay for the pleasure websites that had a lot more regular day to day activity type calorie burners listed and I would love to see more of that on this site! How are we novices just doing the very best we can to move more and eat less supposed to figure this sort of thing out? And wouldn't it be cool if I could say hey "new friend on my fitness pal site" check out my exercise journal from yesterday and tell me what you think about it and what would you suggest?

Now of course I want complete control over who I can send a food or fitness journal report to and I want to be sure they can not edit in any way except to just maybe add a note or comment with some advice or an atta girl or this is how I can drink palatable coffee at 20 calories a 16 ox jug. I'm just saying I thing it could be a huge benefit... at least to me!

Your thoughts????

P.S. Admittedly, I put WAY more time into this post than I would ever have anticipated... so make me feel like it was at least a little worth the effort and send me either a very well thought answer my the three part dissertation regarding website suggestions... or a blurb or any sort will do... and if you made it to the end - thanks for reading! :flowerforyou:


  • TL:DR

    but you could probably copy and paste the info into an email.

    Edit: there is also a way to tie this site into FB.