Skinny girls have it all

:bigsmile: Just joined! They will regret it... i will be thin! oxxo NEW! just joined! add me!


  • I wish you the best of luck and hope you attain your goal. I started a few weeks back and although I have not lost hardly any weight at the moment, I am far more concious of what I eat and the calories each peice of food contains - and already feel better for it. I reckon by March, I will see proper results.
  • I agree the number of calories I eat is the key to losing weight. I am retired and have a program of walking quickly each day for 3 to 4 miles and, of course, counting my calories. I have lost 6 pounds so far. I have a long way to go but I will stick with it.
  • witchywillow
    witchywillow Posts: 143 Member

    i started a week ago and just had my first weigh in and i have lost my first pound, gd luck on ur weight loss journey, add me if u want :happy:
  • Glorfindel
    Glorfindel Posts: 6 Member
    You can do it I know you can! I've been doing this program for over a year and I swear by it! I get to be 112 just like all the pretty girls I envied in school c:
  • Thanks for the support! xoox
  • @Glorfindel i know how you feeling about all the pretty girls.. skinny a** *****es.. lol and THANKS ALOT!
  • Glorfindel
    Glorfindel Posts: 6 Member
    Deginitelly! I totally get you!! My whole life I was one of the guys. Just a big ol' nerd who played dnd, magic and video games all day and wore guy cloths and not once did it occur to me "Huh, what do I look like?". Then one day I got into high school and realized it was OK to be average sized (that's 130is lbs for my height) you have to be stick thin and have your legs not touch when you stand with your feet touching! I was like, WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE TELL ME??? SO, I got right on it and now all the geeks who loved me for being a nerd love me for being the cool hottie haha!!! I believe ANYONE can lose weight and look exactly how they want with this program. Without a doubt!!!!!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    *Fit, healthy girls have it all.
  • *Fit, healthy girls have it all.

    ^^ couldn't agree more!

    Welcome! Good luck :]
  • stick to it, wow you shame me I have only just started and walk one mile per day . I just lost 1 lb last week hmmm any tips ?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    *Fit, healthy girls have it all.

    this. who wants to be skinny?!
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    Skinny gilrs dont really have it all. I agree fit healthy girls have it all.

    Being skinny doesnt instantly make you cool and attractive. Being healthy and happy in your own skin is what makes you attractive!

  • @Sunnyside58 just eat really healthy. my mom's boyfriend is a trainer so i should know. CARDIO is KEY! i workout everyday, no joke my moms crazy she takes my and sister and i to the gym every monday, Wednesday and friday. and i have Volleyball practice on tuesday, thursday, and sunday! it really helps..

    I know you can do it! xoxo just believe in yourself!