Whinge about the Australian summer...



  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    I feel ya! For me it's that I can't send my kids out in the heat to play, so they're inside bothering me when it's free time, which is when I'm supposed to exercise. Then they stuffed up my iPod the other day so I didn't even have THAT to drown them out! :P

    I'm just glad it's not a sustained temp over 40 for weeks like it was a few years ago, touch wood.
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    I'm in Perth and our heatwave is just beginning. The thing that gets me is that it doesn't really cool down at night time, there's been a few times where i've finished work at 10pm and it's still 30 degrees outside!! This week is going to range from 38 to 42 on saturday. It's gonna be one freakin hot Australia Day on Thurs!
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    There was something mentioned on the news tonight how the South East of QLD have only had 4 days above 30 deg this summer.
    It hasnt been cold but it sure hasnt been hot either.

    I dont mind the heat , I enjoy the sweating , it is a sense of achieving a good work out. In saying that 40 deg is crazy hot
  • Hoosier_born
    Hot in Melbz today, we're 700m from the beach, and I'm going to do a 'water walk,' which increases resistance. Should be nice and cool.
    Waiting for the sun to go down a bit, I'm pasty and burn like bacon.:devil: << that is meant to be bacon.
  • claire_90
    swimming , beach, a new air conditioned gym?
    I'm in melb and have taken to gym and doing work out dvds in my lounge with the air con on instead of venturing outside lol.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Ummm... I would die to be there right now. :wink: Sorry, haha know that's not what you want to hear... -2* F this AM when I went out! :sick:
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    In the Northern Tablelands of NSW we topped out at 19 degrees today - I think summer was the second week of November! I can't afford to install air-conditioning in my gym unless business improves about 400% but there's not many days it matters in summer - the frostbitten toes in winter was more concerning!
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    Geez life's tough when that's all you've got to winge about....

    If rather it be too hot than my poor friend inCanada, rugged up to the eyeballs, layers upon layers and slipping and sliding in ice and snow.

    I would MUCH rather be freezing.

    And yeah, swimming is good :)
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Move to Sydney. Or take a holiday here. Not a hot day this summer.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Move to Sydney. Or take a holiday here. Not a hot day this summer.

    do you work 12 hours in aircon everyday?? or do you live near the blue mountains/penrith etc?

    i live on the eastern suburbs. had many hot days!!!
    Hasnt been that bad overall i dont think, though i had low expectations this year!
  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    I'm in Riverina (Nsw/Vic border) and this week has been low/mid 30's, tomorrow we are headed for 37 and Thursday 38. I'm not looking to doing C25k tomorrow night it's still going to be pretty warm. Going to take the kids swimming but I reckon it's going to be packed.
    Only thing I miss about living in Sydney is the ocean breeze. It's such a dry heat here. I can't wait until Winter, always plenty of blankets to snuggle under.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    37 here in Adelaide today and I did 6km walk this morning (6.30am) and circuits class at 9.15. Sweated like a pig, But so did everyone else. You just have to get on, do it, stay hydrated
  • Ms_Lassie
    I'm in Riverina (Nsw/Vic border) and this week has been low/mid 30's, tomorrow we are headed for 37 and Thursday 38. I'm not looking to doing C25k tomorrow night it's still going to be pretty warm. Going to take the kids swimming but I reckon it's going to be packed.
    Only thing I miss about living in Sydney is the ocean breeze. It's such a dry heat here. I can't wait until Winter, always plenty of blankets to snuggle under.

    I posted earlier about going for a swim when too hot but have been lazy in the pool the last few nights so decided to start the c25k tonight! I'm in NE Vic and left about 8:30pm when it was still about 27C... Gosh I have worked up a serious sweat!
  • Hoosier_born
    went for a walk with my daughter at 8:30 tonight, was warm, but at least the sun was not over head, did about 3km and sweated like a pig
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    just rain here in QLD.

    I don't have an issue with exercising in the heat though as long as I keep weel hydrated. (I did do Muay Thai training in Thailand though so that probably helps with humidity conditioning!)

    If you are having issues, I'd do stuff close to the beach or somewhere where you can swim. Do some stuff, then jump in the water, then do some more.
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Well, I think it's blooming hot in the UK when it gets to 30C and it's humid and sticky so I think I'd pass out at 40!

    Doing exercise in the pools sounds like your best bet or do a run and then take a dip after to cool down. Unless the water is warm too, that wouldn't be much fun!

    Might take it over the weather here though for a day or two. Pouring with rain and freezing cold! I'd rather run in the snow!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I'm in Perth and our heatwave is just beginning. The thing that gets me is that it doesn't really cool down at night time, there's been a few times where i've finished work at 10pm and it's still 30 degrees outside!! This week is going to range from 38 to 42 on saturday. It's gonna be one freakin hot Australia Day on Thurs!

    I'm in Perth too and it has been hot and humid. I have been getting up at 4:30am and cycling or doing workout videos in front of a fan at home. On weekends I have been going to a local pool and swimming laps. Here, the coolest part of the day is at 6 am or so. You can keep running but bring extra water and maybe cut it back a bit.

    Good Luck.
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 98 Member
    Isn't it advised not to run in excessive heat? I'm not sure, just thought that it was. Here are some articles I found to help OP.

    I'm in the NE US. I'd much rather deal with the cold and snow then humid, hot, sticky weather any day!



  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I'm in Canada, it's cold; I live in Southwestern Ontario, which is known for it's snow and frigid temperatures normally, but we've had an EASY winter this year, barely any snow and it's been relatively warm (the coldest being -11 this weekend).

    I don't think you're whingeing, that is just so hot and uncomfortable! We get that heat in the summer and it's unbearable! I wouldn't rather be cold, but something in between sure would be nice! Stay cool and stay safe, exercising in that heat can be dangerous (let alone just walking around!!).

    If you could somehow split it in half and send a little of that heat here, it sure would be awesome!!!!
  • Fififantastic
    Nothing but rain, rain and more rain here on Queenslands "Sunshine Coast" Thinking I might have to put flippers, goggles and snorkle on, just to venture outside LOL