


  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    We're not allowed to make our own food anymore, the big boss says we give ourselves bigger portions than we pay for. But everyone I work with knows I'm a vegetarian, so it's all good. I used to come up with my own concoctions, but I got sick of them pretty fast. Except for one, I really like their cheesey rollups with fiesta salsa. No more of that though. But I'm definitely going to try taco bells taco salads. They actually look pretty good.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    ah, too bad you can't make your own. Glad your co-workers are understanding, though. You said you have a hard time getting out and grocery shopping, and I get that. I think it would be worth exploring ways you can eat better with what you have. Just being realistic, there will be many times you won't have time to shop or make food, and you *will* be eating food from work. Since that's inevitable, you can try to eat as healthy as you can, given your choices.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I didn't read other responses (you're going to get a lot of flak on here for this) but I don't like their 3-2-1 plan. I think that living off of the shakes plus a bunch of junky snack food is just bad for your body. That being said, I do think that you can replace one meal (breakfast or lunch) with a SlimFast shake, and have 2 other sensible meals and lose weight. I used to drink them for breakfast on my way to work and school as it was fast and easy, and I was done with it by the time I arrived, and the protein kept me full until lunch (I wasn't trying to lose weight). Both of my parents successfully lost weight doing this as well, but dad was eating high protein for his other 2 meals and working out with a personal trainer at the time. I think this might work better for you versus their new version, just my humble opinion.