Help with push ups?

I'm trying to do Insanity and the problem I'm having is all the push ups. I SUCK at push ups. Is there any way to get better at them quickly? I'm at the start of week 3 of insanity and I still haven't gotten that much better. I definately don't want to move on to month 2 without being able to do them. Please oh please tell me there's some trick I don't know about lol. Thanks!


  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    I suck it up at pushups too. I don't think there's a quick fix but there's a six week training program called hundred push-ups that you can find at I've done a week and i can already do twice as many as I used to be able to. Good luck!
  • docsallen
    docsallen Posts: 159 Member
    I stink at push-ups. One of my friends told me that the way she learned how to do push-ups was to 1.) do the modified version and 2.) instead of using the floor, use something taller as your floor. I used the couch. You still feel it in your arms, but it is a little easier. Gradually lower the "floor" for your push-ups.
  • jdleaser68
    Start with both knees on the ground until you build some strength, then use one knee, then none. Just watch the angle of your shoulders and elbows - don't "hunch" your shoulders up around your ears, keep them back; make sure your elbows don't flare out to the sides. Good luck!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I can't do real push ups. I use a stability ball to do them. It allows you to be in proper form and the more body weight at the front of the ball, the harder the push up. For example, the ball under your stomach is an easier push up than having the ball under your thighs.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    In the Army we did core training to help with push ups. One thing that helped me was doing the plank. Aim for 30 seconds - a minute and build up to more time in position. This will help your form and help your core.

    You can also do push ups on your knees until you feel comfortable doing proper push ups - just make sure your form is good.


    Keep pushing. It takes time to perfect the push up.

  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    As already mentioned pushups also works abs and core so try doing some ab moves to build up the strength. Ive just recently began doing pushups on my feet and not my knees doing them on my knees for over a year. Its about form AND strength. Make sure you really connect with your abs and use the strenght in your core as well.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i remember i couldnt even do one i can do three sets of 15 and sometimes up to 20.. but that was a two year process.its harder for women ..we normally do not have the upper body strength men have.. i do the planks and try to hold myself in that position for as long as i can..i started with about 15 seconds and am up to two minutes .. i also workout with weights and have built alot of upper body strength.. one step at a time is all i can say.. start with planks and find an upper body strength weight lifting program for yourself can ask someone at the gym or go online to find something. and try to do whatever pushups you can do even if its one or two..just do them .eventually you wil be adding numbers on. and make sure you are eating enough protein in your day to feed them muscles!
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    I also stink at push ups. i do the girl version when i do "30 SHRED" i put my knees down instead of doing them on my toes, I am hoping when my arms become a little bit more muscle i can do a reg push up but for now it is the girlie ones for me.