Working too many hours.......

I am a daycare provider, I work 12 hours a day, I know it sounds like a cop out, but after 12 hours I am just tired! Most days even cooking dinner is a drain on what little energy I have left, any exercise suggestions? I have 27 pounds to go to my goal and it seems like if I can't make time somehow for exercise I should give up. :sad:


  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I am a daycare provider, I work 12 hours a day, I know it sounds like a cop out, but after 12 hours I am just tired! Most days even cooking dinner is a drain on what little energy I have left, any exercise suggestions? I have 27 pounds to go to my goal and it seems like if I can't make time somehow for exercise I should give up. :sad:
  • indianagranny
    Don't give up - this MFP is very much worth it. There are often days when I just get a good walk in - either on the treadmill or outside.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,961 Member
    With a job like yours, a 12 hour a day active job, you don't HAVE to work out. You wil still lose weight.

    Enter your activity level as "active" as it suggests on your diet profile. Eat the calories the website suggests. If you start to watch your nutrition, you will naturally acquire more energy.

    You could always play active games with the children. Can you borrow a pedometer or heart rate monitor to see what your actual calories burned are in a day at work? If you don't have time outside of work, you don't have time. Planned exercise is good for toning, and building muscle, which gives you a better shape. The added benefit is that you will have more energy if you can improve your cardiovascular health.

    And you deserve some "you" time. :heart: You will figure something out!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Do you have weekends off? if so you could use say... sunday afternoons to cook boatloads of food and then freeze portions for dinner. soups, chili, pasta sauces, casserolles, lasagnas... you could even roast a chicken, strip it's meat and freeze it to reheat later to top salads or pasta dishes with. It will take the stress out of your week and you could even have fun with it. If your kids like to cook (i see 3 in your photo) have them join you, maybe you guys could share recipes and it'd be good bonding time :flowerforyou:
  • bootilicious
    bootilicious Posts: 136 Member
    I am a nurse and I usually work five to six twelve hour shifts per week. That got me fat in the first place. There is always alot of food around and if not, there is always cookies, bread and ice-cream in the pantry. Those were my old habits, the more tired I got, the more I ate to stay awake, on and on and on.

    Now, I have been losing weight. Whenever I am off, I buy 5 or 6 plastic containers and I make meals for 5 or 6 days. As well as there is always enough fruit and yogurt in the fridge for my working days. There is alot of preparation into gathering the right foods into the house. As well I don't eat at the cafeteria, I pack a lunch everyday and I prepare a salad 2 days ahead, so I can just grab it and go.

    Once the food is prepared, I have more time to exercise. I either do push-ups or I walk on the treadmill a few times per week.

    I wish you all the best.
  • ylin
    ylin Posts: 16
    I also agree with Rita.

    I myself work 3-4 12 hour shifts a week, graveyard shifts, sitting down the entire time. I've gained 20-25 pounds since September. That's about a steady 5 lbs a month! I kept telling myself I'd go to the gym after work, but after 2 months, I realize that's not happening. After being humiliated my family, I finally pushed myself to hit the gym as soon as I wake up in the afternoon.

    I eat half a cup of cereal (so I'm not hungry), then get on the stationary bike and the elliptical. I try to burn more and more calories every day. It's my first week back at the gym, and granted it's only been 3 days, I've lost a pound a day! I tend to gorge on food over the weekend, but realize that's the worst idea ever, because I'll end up wanting to eat just as much during my work week.

    This will be the second time I'm dieting and exercising, following myfitnesspal's plan. I've lost 15 pounds before this way, even getting down to below my high school weight, and I hope to be able to do it again!

    I hope this helps. Good luck and keep at it!

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Hello-I am a daycare provieder also. I to have 12 hour days-I have a group childcare so I have between 7-14 kids. Makes for crazy day. But I have to say I still need to work out. I mostly do it at night, once in awhile I do it in the morning. And I work out on the weekends too. Last night after the kids left and I had fed mine I could have so easily went to bed. I was on the couch with my kids resting-but I made myself get up and get on the treadmill for a 6 mile run. I felt much better when I was done.

    I don't have my day set at active. I know I run around a lot with the kids. But I also sit a lot too, reading stories, coloring, play doe, giving the baby a bottle.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    You could take that big ol' rottweiler for a walk! He would love it, and holding him back would be a great cardio boost! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I don't think walking the pomeranians will do as much good, though:laugh: