Should I see a doctor? Frequent bathroom trips



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I personally think this is normal. I drink about 120 oz a day and I am in the bathroom all day and several times a night!

    Doesn't that tell you you're drinking too much water?!
    NOPE, dont think so. I feel great when I drink that much especially when I work out and sweat my butt off. Its good to be hydrated!:wink:

    There's hydrated, and then there's saturated....if you getting broken sleep due to it, it cant be good...
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I personally think this is normal. I drink about 120 oz a day and I am in the bathroom all day and several times a night!

    Doesn't that tell you you're drinking too much water?!
    NOPE, dont think so. I feel great when I drink that much especially when I work out and sweat my butt off. Its good to be hydrated!:wink:

    I know this is going to come across snarky, but I am genuinely curious. What do you think water does for you that you're willing to sacrifice sleep for it?
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Maybe you're knocked up.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I drink 100-125 oz. of water a day and the same thing happens to me. Once an hour isn't really a big deal. Try not to drink 2-3 hours before bed and that should help you keep from getting up so often at night.
  • caretheaton
    caretheaton Posts: 90 Member
    Same sort of thing happened to me a couple of months ago! I had to pee like a race-horse practically every hour for 3 days straight. Went to the doctor and luckily everything checked out fine, but he did ask if I had been eating or drinking anything different. Turns out, the night before it all happened, I started drinking this "Sleepytime Extra" tea. Must have acted as a really strong diuretic.

    Long story short, yes, check your diet for anything different you may have been consuming. But definitely go the the doctor just to be sure it isn't a kidney stone or something more serious. You want to catch it early if it is some sort of infection.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Please dont follow the advice posted before this about self testing for blood sugar, the result you will get will be entirely meaningless.

    Not meaningless at all. If she tests on a friends meter and her fasting is above 100 or her 2 hour post prandial is above 140 then it's a solid indicator that she should visit the doctor for the more accurate tests.

    It's exactly how I found out I was diabetic. I was peeing like a racehorse and so my wife (also diabetic) popped a new needle on her pen, pricked my finger, and up popped a 220 - waaayy too high for a regular joe. So I immediately booked in at the docs and took the glucose tolerance and HbA1C tests for confirmation and to set up a medicinal maintenance.

    Without that initial "home" test, I'd probably have gone undiagnosed much longer.

    I only gave that advice as a precursor to a full doctors visit. I didn't say she should diagnose or clear herself of diabetes based on the results of the meter. If you're having symptoms of diabetes, it's a perfectly valid thing to do.

    (And I also think it's just because of the extra water drinking) :wink: