"Push" Goal Promise

Hey everyone, I am reading an AMAZING book called "Push" by Chalene Johnson (creator of the TurboJam and TurboFire DVDs). The book is a 30-day challenge complete with written "homework" that I have been doing since January 1st. It helps you set your priorities and goals and make some serious changes in your life. Since I started it, I lost 5 pounds have identified a major "push" goal for 2012 and all in all, feel absolutely incredible!!

The challenge today is to make a promise to people who are important to you that you will achieve your "Push" goal as well as a health and fitness goal.

So, I figured since MyFitnessPal has been instrumental in helping me achieve the success I've had so far, I would promise to you all the following:

I promise that I will lose a total of 15 pounds by March 6 (my birthday), at which time I will weigh 135 pounds and I promise to exercise 22 days out of 30 in January (I have exercised 16 days so far) and 23 out of 29 days in February.

As my big "goal" for my personal life, I promise to write and publish a #1 Billboard hit in 2012 (I am a singer/songwriter)!

Thanks everyone for reading this. If you want more information about the book, just let me know. Or, if you are also doing the 30-day Challenge and reading "Push" I'd love to hear from you too!