30 day shred help

Help me out...what 30 day shred DVD do I need? For a first time user. What are the level 1,2, and 3 that I hear about? Are are levels on on DVD? Want to purchase the right one today :) Who has used it? How much weight did you lose, inches, strength? Your time to brag :) I want the motivation!!


  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member

    Pick your link - any should give you many answers to your first questions. :-)

    As for results, there are *tons* of threads around here - if you put 30 Day Shred into the 'search' function on the boards, you'll find masses of information - pick whatever interests you!

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    30 Day Shred is one DVD. It has 3 levels. You do Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 Days, Level 3 for 10 Days.
  • jlc62604
    All three levels are on the 30 day shred dvd! You do each level for 10 days before moving on to the next. I am just starting level 2 and so far have not noticed any weight loss, but I can tell that my clothes are fitting better. (less muffin top! LOL) The first day of the workout is very intense, so intense I thought I was going to be sick afterward! I was VERY sore for the first 2-3 days of the workout so be prepared! But by day 5 I could totally tell that I was STRONGER! I love this dvd, actually am kinda addicted to it! Good luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Several Jillian DVDs are on sale at Big Lots for $5 - 30 Day...., Burn Fat Boost...., No More Trouble...... & her new "yoga" one
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    yes just the one dvd you need, plus some dumbells/handweights. I'm on day 20 at the moment, good luck! :smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If you don't have hand weights, don't let that stop you. Start with cans out of your cupboard, or water bottles filled, if you have to.