Patricia's Food Ideas - Post 2

Ok, here are a few more ideas for a day of healthy eating. Let me know if anyone is curious about recipes or ingredients. I'll try to make sure all my ideas are yummy!


Low Fat Strawberry Pop Tart - 2 count
Glass of Grapefruit juice

Snack 1:

Sunbelt Honey and Oats chewy granola bar
Slim fast/Slim rite (Again, I know this is supposed to take the place of a snack, but it never ties me over enough between meals so I drink it with a small healthy snack to top it off and last longer)


Grilled chicken salad with veggies and not just lettuce and cheese
Ex: Tomato, cucumber, carrot, celery, radish (yucky, but healthy option), egg, fresh spinach
Low fat dressing 1-2 tbsp
(The chicken, and more veggies you use will help fill you up and keep you full as opposed to just lettuce and cheese)
1 peeled orange = Something sweet and healthy to finish up a nutritious lunch
Flavored vitamin water or Crystal Light. My favorite is Strawberry Kiwi. :-)

Snack 2:

Pretzel sticks

Grilled Salmon (You can use a grooved griddle or bake in oven during winter months)
Wild grain rice (Rice Roni)
Steamed asparagus
Multi grain or whole wheat bread with margarine
Black Cherry Jell-o (or flavor of choice)

Tips: Again, with fresh veggies, it is always healthier to steam them instead of boiling to keep nutrition and vitamins locked in. The crunchier, the healthier.
Also, if you find that you have eaten a bit too much and feel overly full, I have found that eating a little bit of fruit helps break the food down in your stomach and relieves that stuffed feeling. Oranges, grapes, strawberries, or anything with acidic juices. Plus it is a healthy way to end a meal!

Good luck!