
On my best days, I still have a lot of trouble keeping the sodium low. Sodium is just so darned ubiquitous in so many foods -- milk, bread, meats -- and vegetables taste as bland as paper without some kind of dressing or seasoning that has salt in it. My blood pressure is borderline high and although a lot of that is attributable to my weight, I'm sure the sodium makes up no small component of it. Any ideas on good ways of reducing sodium?


  • When you dont add anything say to veggies you will get used to the flavor and appreciate it more. It will change the taste. I used to always use dressing on veggies now I never do and they actually taste good!!! I do sometimes add pepper when I steam green beans
  • Of course, the other problem that I have is that my fiancee does consume a lot of salt (she doesn't have problems with blood pressure) and adds a lot of salt to food. If I don't salt food when cooking, she doesn't like it at all.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fresh herbs. Some can be pricey, so I'd suggest growing them if you can. They are extremely easy to grow, even in an indoor pot. They add so much flavor to dishes that you can use much less salt and not miss it.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Tell her to stop adding salt to meals. She can add her own afterwards if she wants, but this is a health issue for you. That takes precedence over "I don't like the taste of no salt".

    If she doesn't comply, you've got bigger issues.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I never use salt in my cooking. I haven't for years and when I eat at my Mother's who put salt in everything. It's tastes really salty and when I leave I have to stop to buy a couple of bottles of water to drink in the car on the way home. If you stop putting in your food after a while you will prefer it without. I haven't even got a container of salt in my kitchen and never buy it.