Hi everyone

hi, my names Matt, I'm 23 and from the UK, 9 months ago I weighed 366ibs :indifferent:
I'm now down to 226ibs :smile: but with a long way to still go, im 6.2" and fairly largely built so in doubt I'll ever be small, buts that's fine along as I can feel comfortable.
I joined a gym about a month ago now I'm smaller and feel more confident, hopefully I can continue to lose more weight, but at the same time tone up and build more muscle.

Looking forward to getting to know you guys, and hopefully keep motivated


  • tanksu
    tanksu Posts: 19
    Hi Matt,

    Welcome to the forums! I'm 25 and 6'2" myself so probably have a similar build. I'm looking to lose 30 lbs in the next few months.

    i've added you as a friend.

    Best of luck!
  • khime1208
    khime1208 Posts: 138
    Hi Matt,

    Welcome. I am new here also (1 week). I have already discovered how great the MFP site is to be a part of. I am 6' 2", 237 lbs, and 34 years old. I lost almost 7 lbs my first week with MFP but that was mostly from giving up soda. I used to drink 4-5 per day. I now only drink water. I also started P90X last week and that is a great motivcator. Hopefully we can help motivate each other. I am sending you a friend request.

    OH and great job on your weight loss. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!