This is the deal

glitterpuff Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I'm 25, 5'4 and about 211, size 18 or size 16. I have been fat as long back as I can remember. I weighted about 190 when I graduated highschool back in 2002 after being 211 since freshman year.

I am tired of hating myself and have the worst track record with losing weight. My main hurdle is regular soda. I love me some coke.


  • I'm 25, 5'4 and about 211, size 18 or size 16. I have been fat as long back as I can remember. I weighted about 190 when I graduated highschool back in 2002 after being 211 since freshman year.

    I am tired of hating myself and have the worst track record with losing weight. My main hurdle is regular soda. I love me some coke.
  • nwfamilygal
    nwfamilygal Posts: 635
    Welcome :flowerforyou: You can do this get rid of the coke a little at a time. Coke is not your friend:cry: You have to set your mind to it. Sounds like you want to get healthy so you can do this :drinker: A lot of great posts that have helped me. Just read them and you will get a lot of great idea's. Were all here to support each other :bigsmile: So good luck on your weight loss journey. :drinker: :drinker:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    hi and welcome :flowerforyou:

    try replacing pop with sparkling water mixed with a bit of fruit juice. it's my latest discovery. I know it's not the same, but it's very yummy and waaaaaaaaaay fewer calories :flowerforyou:

    best of luck to you, your story sounds alot like mine!
  • Hi there. You sound like I felt for far too long.
    I've tried every diet, pill or exercise program and with great temporary effects. When I stopped whatever program I was doing, the weight came back along with a few extras. Want to talk about hating yourself? I was the master.
    I had heard many times over the years that you have to change the way you feel about food, the way you feel about exercise, the way you feel about yourself in order to have real change. Excellent. Sign me up. How do I do that? Not one person could tell me and it got to the point to when I would hear 'you have to change inside for lasting change' I would want to vomit because not one person could tell me exactly how I to do this.
    Fast forward a couple of years. Still not happy with my appearance. Still have my favorite forbidden foods. Still not exercising. Then I picked up a book called Awaken the Giant Within. I've read self help books over the years, but rarely finished any as I wasn't intrigued enough to keep reading.
    Well, let me tell you what. It's like the author is talking to me. Not only that, but there are specific exercises in there for changes patterns that we don't like. FINALLY! Someone could tell me in step by step instructions how to change negative things I desparately want to change! I dove into the steps and really dug deep inside to answer the questions posed. I took notes and highlighted areas I found especially relevant. I re-read passages, really absorbing what I was learning.
    The initial exercise was to write down four things you want to change about yourself. Well, I only started with my weight as this was the biggest challenge I've consistently battled my whole life. The next day I found my appetite was turned off. Within the next few days I found myself not even thinking about having a snack. Not thinking about having ____ (insert favorite food here). I remember thinking it was like I all of a sudden had a thin persons mind-set regarding food. I only ate when hungry.
    After ten days I stepped on a scale thinking I had probably lost a couple pounds but believing I wouldn't be bummed out if I hadn't as I knew for a fact I was finally on the right path. I LOST TEN POUNDS IN TEN DAYS without even trying. I wasn't exercising like a demon or avoiding anything in particular. I had what I wanted when I was hungry and stopped eating when I wasn't hungry anymore.
    It's coming up on twenty days and again, it's like I have a completely different perspective on food.
    The book may not work for everyone, but if you are sick to death of where you are and want to change enough and truly commit yourself to answering the questions honestly, I can't help but believe it will work.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I'm 25, 5'4 and about 211, size 18 or size 16. I have been fat as long back as I can remember. I weighted about 190 when I graduated highschool back in 2002 after being 211 since freshman year.

    I am tired of hating myself and have the worst track record with losing weight. My main hurdle is regular soda. I love me some coke.
    I really dont think coke is the main hurdle perhaps your using it somewhat like a crutch..Coke alone doesnt make us overweight. Its very hard to just cut things out cold turkey advice would be to 1. Make a plan in writing on how and why you want to lose weight. 2. Have 1-2 cokes per day BUT have them only when you have achieved something. I dont like to use food as a reward so the ultimate goal would be to move towards diet coke 1-2 per day and the rest water. I think you should plan for at least 3 weeks to get your whole healthy lifestyle and excercise in know for instance week one deal with the coke issue. week 2 deal with the eating healthy week 3 deal with the excercise and then just stick with them. If you really want this enough you will...Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • Trust me coke is not the only reason I'm fat. There are a lot of other things but for some reason thinking about giving up coke or regular soda in general makes me flee from any soprt of weight loss program.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Trust me coke is not the only reason I'm fat. There are a lot of other things but for some reason thinking about giving up coke or regular soda in general makes me flee from any soprt of weight loss program.
    I wouldnt even think about the coke just yet..if its the one thing that makes ya flee..try tackling other things first like the excercise and eating right:drinker:
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    Trust me coke is not the only reason I'm fat. There are a lot of other things but for some reason thinking about giving up coke or regular soda in general makes me flee from any soprt of weight loss program.

    You are talking to a former Coke addict! Look at it this way: If you change NOTHING but give up just one Coke a day, you give up enough calories to drop over 14 pounds a year. It is totally worth it!

    Best wishes! :flowerforyou:
  • nothing should be forbidden forever, in my opinion, just remember EVERYTHING has consequences. If you want coke, have coke- what are you willing to pay for it?
    Mine nemisis? those evil easter candies called cadbury mini eggs. now they come out for christmas too just to mess with me!
    I normally store them up for the year. I love them.
    I can have them. 12 at a time, no more than 12 a week cuz I can work that into my workout plan.
    That's how I have the things I want, I just pay for them on the treadmill.

    Last night I had a date night with my husband and had a margarita.. didn't finish it, but counted all the calories as if I did and will have an extra 25 minutes workout today.

    A date with my husband, away from the kids- totally worth it! I figure I want to have a normal healthy life where food is not my enemy (well, except those d*rn eggs). But I have almost 50 pounds to lose, so everything has to be paid for.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I just know you will love this site if you don't already, I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone here is so nice, and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    Hello and Welcome! I am sorry that you feel so down about yourself, but don't forget that a journey begins with a step...just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You can do this.

    I would start by not necessarily changing anything that you eat...just make sure that your honest and LOG EVERYTHING. You will soon see why you are overweight. After you have noticed the patterns in your eating, you can begin to change them.

    Maybe start with limiting yourself to one coke a day. Trust me-this one is hard for me too...I LOVE coke. But I don't drink it anymore:sad: (accept on a rare occasion) because I would rather use those calories for real food.

    Just hang in there and use this site to get support-you WILL find it here. Stay positive and just keep on trekking!!:wink:
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