Stress in the Workplace

If it wasn't for my strong will power I would have been over my calories by 10 this morning.

Eating use to be my comfort during stressful times. I have now stopped that but began lashing out on people when annoyed. Yes, yes...I know I need to find another way to channel my stress. But working in the educational field is not as easy as people think!!!! We have "o'kay" benefits and the lovely days off but working with some many different personalities...from students to the staff is beyond dificult and the STAFF is the worst!!!

O'kay I'm done venting now...:ohwell:

Have anyone else experience in trouble with sticking to your diet when under stress????


  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    They dont call it comfort food for nothing!

    Stress eating, major issue. Then combine it with stressed out industry with little time for good food preperation and you have a health epidemic.

    Looks like you have risen above!! Congrats.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    stress can do funny things. I find that stress causes me to lose weight so I think I can eat whatever I want, and as soon as that stress is gone, no matter what I do... the weight comes back.

    Dealing with stress though I find that deep breaths, and calm relaxing music can help. Also I if it's still there.. instead of yelling at people (which in my situation often causes MORE stress) journal everything. I have had some crazy thoughts sometimes and it's almost funny to go back and read what I wrote when I'm feeling better.

    Good luck! Hang in there!
  • I have a high stress job as well and I used to snack and drink diet cokes all day to deal with it. I then went to just being plain mean when people got on my nerves. I have moved on to getting up and away from the situation when possible. It's pretty easy in a big office building to just take a little walk, not sure if that would work for you or not.
  • mechee007
    mechee007 Posts: 3 Member
    I work at a Juvenile Prison so I can imagine what you go through. Day to day working with dysfunctional families in my case and unruly youth can get the best of you sometimes. Better to let it out than to it out!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :explode: :wink:
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    I have a high stress job as well and I used to snack and drink diet cokes all day to deal with it. I then went to just being plain mean when people got on my nerves. I have moved on to getting up and away from the situation when possible. It's pretty easy in a big office building to just take a little walk, not sure if that would work for you or not.

    I use to come in drinking a pepsi and eating a snicker bar....glad I surpassed those days! Sometimes going for a walk does help....UNTIL I run into someone with a "problem"
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    I work at a Juvenile Prison so I can imagine what you go through. Day to day working with dysfunctional families in my case and unruly youth can get the best of you sometimes. Better to let it out than to it out!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :explode: :wink:

    AHHAAAA Very true...our jobs are basically the same. I do feel better after lashing out SOMETIMES
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    Since losing nearly 50lbs and cutting out nearly all refined sugars I've noticed a HUGE change in how I feel and react to everyday sitations. I don't have a high stress job, but I do work full time and I am the person who does all the cooking and cleaning... yes, I try to get help, but it's not easy or smooth! Family life is stressful (over worked husband in a high stress job, one female child -15 years old, {need I say more?} one child with learning difficulties, two sets of parents with poor physical and mental health, etc) and I used to eat AND be miserable pretty much all the time.
    Now though I don't get the mood swings and I feel very much like I can just roll withthe punches. Yes I still get stressed out, but I manage more easily and food is not the first thing I think of anymore. This morning, actually I just heard that a co-worker has had a minor heart attack over the weekend and we were to travel together later this week... So that a) changes my schedule -I'm not good with change, and B) makes me worry about his health because he's a super nice guy...
    Anyhow, my stress relief? I got on the treadmill... told the office that I was taking 30 minutes and rand and walked my head clear.
    I feel so much lighter mentally since June, when I stopped the sugar... and yes, I'm human and I still get snarky, but the moods don't last as long nor are they as severe...

    My old stress relief tactic was to tell my self... "Smell the flowers" and take a deep breath in through my nose, and then "Blow bubbles" and blow it out... It's what I did with my daughter when she used to have tantrums...
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    My old stress relief tactic was to tell my self... "Smell the flowers" and take a deep breath in through my nose, and then "Blow bubbles" and blow it out... It's what I did with my daughter when she used to have tantrums...

    Great outlook. Sometimes things are way smaller than they seem. I will start taking my walks or working out instead of "thinking" (because I don't eat) of eating or lashing out on people.