Eat more...scared



  • Eating excessively low calories or even starving yourself doesn't work. Your metabolism is simply going to turn the dial down and you won't lose anymore weight. The thing that has been successful with me is just to drop calories slightly, maybe 10-20% of your normal intake and slow taper it down as your weight falls. I guess its kinda like tricking your body into thinking that everything is ok but at the same time you're still not hitting it hard enough that your metabolism takes a tumble.


    Ryan Parker - How I Lost 180lbs, Blood pressure 120/80, Cholesterol 176mg/Ld
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    I was scared too. After asking from help from others on why I was losing weight at a snails the past two weeks I started eating back my calories from my work out and I've lost 4lbs in 2 weeks which took me like 2 months to achieve prior. Obviously it was what my body needed and kick started my weight loss back up.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Being female...and only 5'2...I cant eat 1800 calories and still lose. Im a work in progress..and a learning experiment.

    That isnt necessarily true. Look at the links i provided. Two more specifically; caloric intale results and people who lost more eating more. As long as you are exercising you can eat a ton of calories. I can tell you from the 50+ women i have designed diet plans with that the majority are in the 1800-2200 calorie range. Many of the are short. One of those is my wife who is 5'2". Math is below.

    My wifes bmr is 1360. Works out 5-6 days a week and has a lightly active job. She burns around 400 calories per workout which is a mix of strength training and cardio.

    Tdee= 1360 x 1.375 +400 = 2270 *.8 = 1816

    So it is possible but you just need to adapt it for your metabolic rate and ativity level.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I sit at a desk M-F 9-5. On my feet with 2 kids from 6-9pm. Run 3 times a week for an hour.

    1200-10%- 1080. Im above that daily.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Eating back exercise calories works for me. Besides, I am hungrier on the days I exercise, so I'd be starving if i didn't eat more.

    A lot of people here have found success "zig-zagging" their calories. I've never officially tried this, but I have had weeks where I would be at 1200 calories for a few days, then go quite a bit over one day, and weighed less the day after. Go figure. It might be worth looking into if you're trying to break through a plateau.

    Good luck and don't be afraid! Food is good and helps keep you going. =)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I sit at a desk M-F 9-5. On my feet with 2 kids from 6-9pm. Run 3 times a week for an hour.

    1200-10%- 1080. Im above that daily.

    I don't get what you are trying to calculate. So if you can help me on that, it would be great. Based on your stats in your profile, your estimated BMR is ~ 1400

    TDEE = 1400 * 1.2 = 1680 * .8 (20% deficit) = 1344 <--- how many calories you should eat before exercise.

    = 1344 * 7 (days) = 9408 + 1500 calories (about how many calories you would burn exercising over the week) = 10908

    And if you want to spread that over the week even so you aren't playing catch up on days you workout

    10908/7 = 1558.

    Now if you burn more (which is very possible with running) your calories would go up. So it's quite possible you are under eating. If you want to discuss more, hit me up on PM and we can analyze more. I am a big numbers gruncher person.
  • I am the same way but I have noticed that when I eat more I expect to gain and I usually loose lbs. then I get excited and try to cut back to increase the weight loss and I gain a lb. I am trying to increase my cal bc i am stalled right now too.