10-Day Juice Fast



  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I did 4 days on juicing. the 4th day is the hardest, then it gets easier. It is really good for you, but I had a hard time drinking as much as I actually needed. Now I try to have a raw diet and drink a green juice each morning!

    Really? Can you explain to me why a juice fast is "really good for you"?
  • If I put biscuits and gravy through my juicer, does that count? What if I mix an apple in with it?

    This made me lol
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i like to eat too much.. i havent had juice in two years .. i just drink water , coffee and green tea .. theres no way i could make it one day without food ..well maybe i could if i had to but i like my food
  • In my experience I actually gained weight from incorporating juicing. I was getting all the calories but none of the fiber left behind. You may want to look into just utilizing a blender rather than abstracting the juices. That way you are sure to get all the nutrients within the fruits and veggies. Just a thought. I have done no research on this but it's just from my personal experience.
  • I also want to add that I'm going to do a 5-day preparation period before the juicing.. and a 5-day transition period after the juicing.

    Both the transition and preparation period will involve eating nothing but fruits and vegetables.. no salt, caffeine, alcohol or processed foods. The Transition period will be the same but I will start adding healthy fish and meats to my meals during the last couple days of the transition period. Then my maintenance diet will be fresh juices for breakfast.. and lots of salads and vegetables, fish and meats lunch and dinner.

    I will keep you all posted!

    More Power to you!!!!!! Not for me...love my coffee
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I'm concerned that a religious group is using basically enforced starvation as part of their practices. The lightheadedness and slightly euphoric sensations of starvation have been accepted to form a large part of the religious ecstasy reported by Nuns in bygone centuries.

    So anyone who feels like that - don't think it's the Almighty speaking to you, it's your brain trying to give you the ability to go and find some food before you die by releasing loads of endorphins.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    I am deffinately in..I use a blender though,for the added fiber.:flowerforyou:
  • drczr
    drczr Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a physician and let me just say that there is no scientific basis for juicing. Drinking blended juice or vegetables will does not "clean" your body. We normally eliminate waste through our kidneys and liver and for a healthy person, these organs should do do job, juicing or no juicing. In the same manner, there is no scientific basis for "detox" in general. Let me challenge you with this. Try to go to search the biomedical literature (not blogs) and see if are able to find any peer-reviewed studies that say juicing is good.

    Maybe juicing may seem to work because of the very low caloric intake that one does during the juicing period. But as you probably have read from this forum, the way to lose weight is not by taking extreme measures that are not sustainable in the long run. Let's say you lose weight by juicing. But you are not going to juice forever. When you get back to your usual eating, then you will gain all that weight back. And if you lose more than 3 lbs during the week that you juiced, then you would have lost muscle which will slow down your metabolism and will derail your weight loss goals in the long term. Rather, I think this forum advocates weight loss by changing your lifestyle and eating like the thinner person that you want to be.

    On the positive side, I guess if you did take in enough calories while juicing, then it can't be harmful. And since you normally juice fruits and vegetables, during the time that you juice, you will be getting in more fiber, liquids and vitamins, which is a good thing. So the benefit that you will get will be from this, and not from juicing somehow detoxifying your body.
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    I see this is a debate. I usually don't get involved in those things, but I have done lots of research and seen some really amazing success stories from juicing. I did a juice fast for 3 days in November and then followed with just juice all day and a salad for dinner for several weeks. I was getting plenty of calories (about 1400-1800 per day) and even ran 100 miles in the month of November and 100 in December along with doing P90X...my energy level was awesome. I also have Restless Leg Syndrome and it completely disappeared. Last week, I didn't juice for 5 days and it returned...back on the juice and it's gone again.

    With Juice from veggies you get the nutrients much quicker than when you eat the food and then the energy comes quicker. The rest of my family usually just drinks the carrot juice. When my 5 year old was 1, we were juicing so many carrots that her palms and the botton of her feet were light orange. She was so healthy...we were so healthy. We only got sick one time that winter.... my kids usually get sick more than that during the winter and winter it was!

    I really believe in the power of fresh veggie juice and it does cleanse to some degree. It definately heals things like acne and arthritis and restless leg...it's amazing! Olympic athletes swear by it and some have improved their marathon time by 1-2 hours in just a year of drinking lots of fresh homemade juice! I added beets because I read it helped with endurance and I am a believer, I am running longer and faster!

    It's fine to disagree, but dangerous it's not! How could something so full of vitamins and nutrients and straight from a garden to your glass be dangerous! We are not talking about V8 juice and Tropicana...this is so much more than that.

    I'll bet those who criticize such a healthy diet ate some much processed, garbage with things you can't even pronounce on the label recently...a few days on juice will do everybody some good!

    Also, juicing should be a way of life. If you like it and it makes you feel good (energy, vitamins, healthy), there's no reason to completely stop after the fast. I plan to continue juicing for years to come. I honestly have more energy and when I miss a few days, i get a headache and feel yucky and much more tired. With juicing, I don't ever get that tired feeling in the middle of the day...and I get up at 5 almost everyday to workout, finish my workout in the afternoon, homeschool 4 kids and don't go to bed until about 10 or 11!

    NOT trying to argue at all, just my opinion!!!

    Don't knock it till you've tried it...just sayin!!!!

    I'll do it with you, it's time to grocery shop anyway. Add me as a friend so we can connect!
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    Bump:indifferent: :flowerforyou:
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    I'm a physician and let me just say that there is no scientific basis for juicing. Drinking blended juice or vegetables will does not "clean" your body. We normally eliminate waste through our kidneys and liver and for a healthy person, these organs should do do job, juicing or no juicing. In the same manner, there is no scientific basis for "detox" in general. Let me challenge you with this. Try to go to search the biomedical literature (not blogs) and see if are able to find any peer-reviewed studies that say juicing is good.

    Maybe juicing may seem to work because of the very low caloric intake that one does during the juicing period. But as you probably have read from this forum, the way to lose weight is not by taking extreme measures that are not sustainable in the long run. Let's say you lose weight by juicing. But you are not going to juice forever. When you get back to your usual eating, then you will gain all that weight back. And if you lose more than 3 lbs during the week that you juiced, then you would have lost muscle which will slow down your metabolism and will derail your weight loss goals in the long term. Rather, I think this forum advocates weight loss by changing your lifestyle and eating like the thinner person that you want to be.

    On the positive side, I guess if you did take in enough calories while juicing, then it can't be harmful. And since you normally juice fruits and vegetables, during the time that you juice, you will be getting in more fiber, liquids and vitamins, which is a good thing. So the benefit that you will get will be from this, and not from juicing somehow detoxifying your body.
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    :indifferent: :indifferent: :flowerforyou: Oops,The Op has it together from the research I did before I started,which was middle Oct. I have been Blendering ever since.
    It is Raw. & clean,plant based.I started here to track my nutrients and follow my body guest to healthy living.Most days I am on target ,or exceed.Calories are another story though.I an work ing. Hard on balancing all this.The only issues I have right now are
    Sleep related,????Need b-12 as well.Which is. The norm.
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    There really is no reason to juice fast. If the concept is to "clear your body of toxins" that's what your kidneys and liver are for. If it's for weight loss, then you'll lose water weight, but it can/will return once you start eating normal. And for many that do this, they don't take in the essentials they need to have an effective metabolism.
    If weight is the issue, then address the real problem.................you're eating too much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Even worse than water weight being lost.......her muscles will be broken down to compensate for the protein that she's not eating during this metabolism-killing plan of hers. She'll gain even more fat than before because she has no muscle mass to keep her metabolism stoked. in this day and age with such easy access to the latest peer-reviewed research...there really is no excuse for this kind of ignorance.

    She's looking for the magic bullet.....no such thing.....she just needs to burn more calories than she eats. Her "challenge" would be much more respectable if it were exercise-based.
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Let's go easy on new people wanting to get healthy and needing a jump start, shall we? Being rude and insensitive is not appropriate here.

    I think part of the puzzle is to juice plants with high protein like spinach and kale. I said before that I was doing P90X and running while mostly juicing an dbuilt muscle and reduced my body fat. I also lost 10 pounds that I haven't put back on! My Dr knew I was doing it and was very supporitive. I had that last little bit to lose from having my 4th child in 2009 and it wouldn't budge. I had tried everything...diet and exercise don't ALWAYS work. I did P90X, Turbofire, Insanity and lot's of running and hiking. I have always eaten healthy and for 3 years the weight wouldn't budge...juice fasting did it!

    Yes as a quick fix diet, it's not the right thing to do but it does make you crave healthy foods. If you can do the fast and then add back in healthy, unprocessed foods...That's great! If someone needs a jump start to get encouragement, I think it's worth a shot! It's certainly better than what most people eat, dieting or not.

    It's 10 days people...you won't end up worse off than 90% of americans who eat garbage all day by doing a 10 day juice fast. let's keep this in perspective. Most people's protein, calories, carbs and fats aren't where they are supposed to be anyway. We are not talking about a year...it's 10 days!!!! Even if it was a little longer...if you keep the calories up...really what's the difference. The vitamins and minerals will do more for your body than a Subway sub for lunch and a burger for dinner! It's 100% natural fruit and vegetable juice!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I said before that I was doing P90X and running while mostly juicing an dbuilt muscle and reduced my body fat.

    No you didn't.
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Umm. yes I did. I have the Ironman scale with body fat and BMR and muscle mass and took measurements. I chose juices with lots of protein...that is possible. There vegans and vegetaians that do the same thing with no meat. It is possible to build muscle that way.

    I am not debating this...we have different opinions. That's fine.
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    Let's go easy on new people wanting to get healthy and needing a jump start, shall we? Being rude and insensitive is not appropriate here.

    I think part of the puzzle is to juice plants with high protein like spinach and kale. I said before that I was doing P90X and running while mostly juicing an dbuilt muscle and reduced my body fat. I also lost 10 pounds that I haven't put back on! My Dr knew I was doing it and was very supporitive. I had that last little bit to lose from having my 4th child in 2009 and it wouldn't budge. I had tried everything...diet and exercise don't ALWAYS work. I did P90X, Turbofire, Insanity and lot's of running and hiking. I have always eaten healthy and for 3 years the weight wouldn't budge...juice fasting did it!

    Yes as a quick fix diet, it's not the right thing to do but it does make you crave healthy foods. If you can do the fast and then add back in healthy, unprocessed foods...That's great! If someone needs a jump start to get encouragement, I think it's worth a shot! It's certainly better than what most people eat, dieting or not.

    It's 10 days people...you won't end up worse off than 90% of americans who eat garbage all day by doing a 10 day juice fast. let's keep this in perspective. Most people's protein, calories, carbs and fats aren't where they are supposed to be anyway. We are not talking about a year...it's 10 days!!!! Even if it was a little longer...if you keep the calories up...really what's the difference. The vitamins and minerals will do more for your body than a Subway sub for lunch and a burger for dinner! It's 100% natural fruit and vegetable juice!

    1. Her profile shows that she's been on MFP since April 2010 so she's not exactly new here.
    2. How is telling someone they are about to mess up their metabolism with unscientifically supported actions rude and insensitive? I'm guessing that we would all like to be warned before we chose to walk off the proverbial cliff of juicing.
    3. Plant matter will never have the same amount of protein by volume that a piece of lean meat or fish does. A body needs protein every day.
    4. Why mess around with the wishful thinking quick fix? Why not make today the day that you crave healthy foods taken in the right balance for your individual body? The quick fix will set her back......she should just start eating healthy and well-balanced meals now.
    5. If just keeping the calories up were all that were required, then by your logic I submit that she could do just fine eating only Twinkies.
    6. 10 days is more than long enough to experience muscle atrophy. If she carries on long enough with this, she could end up damaging the muscle in her heart. She mentioned something about 30 days.

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Fasts, like any diet, take of a big pile of water weight in the first week. Apart from that, all they do is possbily mess up yur metabolism and make you cranky.

    Not recommended.

    Eat 1600 calories a day and work out. There is no easy way to this so buckle down!
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    My point was exactly the opposit of the twinkie thing. I know people who eat ONLY junk food and have lost weight by restricting calories, so that's true. You can lose weight by eating just twinkies. I was saying that this is better than that, which is what so many people do. Poeple just cut calories to lose weight, they don't change the calories. Juicing or eating mostly fruits and veggies, changes your outlook and cravings...I know because I have done it.

    Sure, meat has more protein, but not everyone eats meat. I have seen lots of bodybuilder vegetarians and olympic athletes that are vegans!

    We don't need nearly as much protein as Americans think we do and the reason a majority of Americans are oevrweight is because they eat too much junk...I think we can all agree on that.

    I am just going to agree to disagree here.

    I hope you have a great night and I wish you much success on your weight loss journies, where ever they take you! :)