Food Confessions!

Today I confess to eating McDonald's for lunch ~ now I have no other choice than to drink lots of water and eat healthy tonight. I got it out of my system and I will not eat fast food for the rest of this week. Baby steps. It's hard when you work in an office of skinny people who don't care what they eat or how much they eat.


  • Rosemarose
    Rosemarose Posts: 69 Member
    No worries...I had a pretty bad weekend given that it's nearing Rodeo season in Texas and everyone I know practiced their cook off skills this past weekend. Now I just have to hop back on the wagon and work my tail off this week. One day won't kill us!
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I munched on a handful of Nilla Wafers last night, and had a Mike's Harder Blueberry drink (400 calories). But what's important is that I logged it. It's okay to have a cheat moment, just be sure to log it. :)
  • SparksFly460
    Giants game this past half a box of wheat thins with sharp cheddar....and dug into a spread of calamari, fish sticks & french fries with the s/o

    Then we busted open the oreos....I had 2 double stuff and 3 white fudge. That's 440 calories in cookies alone. The End. Monday was a new day :tongue:
  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    I had three pieces of cheese pizza last night. I try to eat out only once a week, guess I got it out of the way really early this week.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    On my way home from work, I bought a slice of pizza, ripped all of the toppings off, and devoured it in my car. I'm lactose intolerant so I never eat the cheese, or much of it. Calorie wise, it wasn't terrible but it was definitely impulsive and unnecessary. Plus, I'm not supposed to be spending money on eating out. Bad idea, all around.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    On my way home from work, I bought a slice of pizza, ripped all of the toppings off, and devoured it in my car. I'm lactose intolerant so I never eat the cheese, or much of it. Calorie wise, it wasn't terrible but it was definitely impulsive and unnecessary. Plus, I'm not supposed to be spending money on eating out. Bad idea, all around.

    No CHEESE! You porr baby......I would die if i cold not eat cheese. I could live on Milk, Bread, Cheese and oreos. I think Cheese is one of the 4 perfect things in the world.....
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    On my way home from work, I bought a slice of pizza, ripped all of the toppings off, and devoured it in my car. I'm lactose intolerant so I never eat the cheese, or much of it. Calorie wise, it wasn't terrible but it was definitely impulsive and unnecessary. Plus, I'm not supposed to be spending money on eating out. Bad idea, all around.

    No CHEESE! You porr baby......I would die if i cold not eat cheese. I could live on Milk, Bread, Cheese and oreos. I think Cheese is one of the 4 perfect things in the world.....

    Oh sometimes I DO eat it, and the aftermath is unfortunate for me and everyone around me. :bigsmile: My other food confession could be the plate of nachos I ate Saturday night, which left me taking shots of Pepto the rest of the evening.
  • nothingisred
    I munched on a handful of Nilla Wafers last night, and had a Mike's Harder Blueberry drink (400 calories). But what's important is that I logged it. It's okay to have a cheat moment, just be sure to log it. :)


    At the weekend I bought a box of 9 mini chocolate cupcakes from M&S which were 90 calories a cake, thinking they would be a good treat without splurging...then I ate 4 in one go, kinda defeated the point!

    I also made beetroot brownies though I am yet to eat them as I have a horrendous cold and want to see if I can actually taste the beetroot in them. I have a whole tray waiting for me as soon as I can taste things again!

    Oh and on Friday I had a couple of slices of takeaway pizza, but I hadn't eaten pizza in so long, was really craving it and made my ex eat most of the pizza haha.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 675 Member
    Im addicted to York Peppermint Pieces! I tried to convince myself that I would only have a 1/2 serving 25 pieces a day, that would have let me enjoy for 14 days. But no, I killed the bag in 2 days! That was last week, Im starting fresh and I know better now.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Sunday I made these bars for an event on monday, They were Deadly, with cashews and carmel and bannas and to top it off they had peanut butter too. So my confession is I ate 1 after making them, and grabbed another in the afternoon, and before bed I had another and topped it with ice cream and more carmel and cashews...I confess I did it, It doesnt happen often, and it was damn good!! So worked out like a mad women Monday and took the bars out of house.
    (lucky becaUSE they had no chance of survival here)

    All good, dust off and back to norm:-)
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I made cookies, and ate them for breakfast on Sunday, and had one in the afternoon, and another after dinner. I don't regret it though. Got back to working hard on Monday. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself. One day won't undo you!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    This morning..... I threw away my half full container of Nutella. I cannot be trusted with this stuff. I thought I could be, and I was good for a long time with it. Lately, I cant stop eating this $#it! I threw it out... buried it under some yucky stuff in the garbage too so I dont try to resurrect it!

    Man... I ate so much freaking nutella last night... :embarassed:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Saturday night I skipped dinner for LOTS of beer and a few Jagerbombs and a few shots of Patron.

    Sunday I was very hungover and ate a Turtle sundae from Culvers for dinner.

    Yesterday and today have been good, despite consuming a half-jar of PB.
  • MarieRich
    MarieRich Posts: 87 Member
    Just made an enormous PB&J sandwich for breakfast because I started the day with a bad mood. Heading toward the elliptical this morning!
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I love McDs too. What i do is go to their website first a build my meal so i can see the nutitional content of it all. THis way you can play with it a little. i.e....remove mayo or cheese from a sandwich and switch to small fries. Life is about moderation not depriving yourself of food you like. I love their grilled club sandwiches and believe me i do get one when i want it. :)
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    We ordered pizza for dinner during the football games, and I ate way more than I had planned. Probably close to a full day's calories in one meal. Dominos was soo good though :)

    I drank extra water yesterday, and I exercised at the gym last night. I was under my cals by like 800 for yesterday, so I think I may be all square.

    I only have 1.5lbs to go til my goal, so one day of cheating is not bad.

    All about moderation folks. And don't beat yourself up for one bad meal. You can do it!
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    OMG I was thinking yesterday I should start a thread like this. More for things that I (we) do often.

    Mine is eating by the kitchen sink. For some reason my brain thinks that what I eat standing there doesn't count. Like peanut butter and nuts. I can stand there and eat 3 tbsp and then suddenly go "Oh *kitten*" and stop, and then look in horror when I put it in my diary. Sucks to lose control.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Sometimes those little treats is what we need to motivate us again and kick some *kitten*. Pizza is my weakness but I know if I have it I just have to go hard the next day or so
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    We can't be perfect all the time. You have to leave room for 'error' or as I like to call them 'cheats'. Ensure you are eating well at least 80% of the time and you will achieve great things!

    As long as you are holding yourself accountable and not being a repeat offender it is no big deal! Use that disappointment to push yourself hard in your next workout instead of beating yourself up. :)

    p.s. I had both PIZZA and pocorn (MOVIE THEATRE POPCORN!) in one day on the that my friend is
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    I was in France this weekend.

    Wine, cheese, bread (with lots of butter), cider, croissants, brioche, champagne, foie gras, cured meats, lager... I am in withdrawal. But I brought some cheeses and some chocolate home - so a few extra workouts are needed this week! But I do not regret it :-)