Not Losing - What Should I do

So I have been doing this for 3 weeks now, today is the start of week 4 and have not seen 1lb drop off of me.
I exercise 3 to 4 times a week for 45 minutes, either Turbo Jam Cardio Party, Wii Fit Plus or Zumba fitness. On Saturday's I use house chores and errands as my exersice.
I have even incorporated breakfast into my diet nothing too heavy. (special K, oatmeal or fruit) I have cut at least 90% of red meat out of my diet.

According to MFP my daily calorie intake should be 1270, some days I hit it and some days I don't and especially after I exercise I am almost 300 calories below. I normally have a protein shake on days where exercise brings me way below the 1270.

Any suggestions????


  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    I was having the same problem and mfp had my calories too low. I upped them and now its finally starting to come off after over a month and a half. You can go to this website and find out what your brm is....

    Depending on how much weight you want to lose a week..if you want to lose 1lb you minus 500 calories from your brm, 2lbs a week minus 1000 calories. And you're suppose to eat your exercise calories back. Hope this helps! Good luck! :)
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    May sound funny, but eat more!
  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    I agree with the other two responders. Try eating a bit more, changing up the types of food that you're eating, the type of exercise you're doing, etc. If none of that works, you may just be in a plateau and your body is adjusting to what you're doing. Patience is key.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Tangent: 1200 seems really low for a human being

    On topic: Are you sure you're recording everything correctly? Are you weighing things or are you guessing?
  • I was also having the same problem and a good member on here told me that if I was new to exercising, my muscles were probably retaining water and glycogen in anticipation of the next workout. The body does this to ensure that it has enough energy for this "new" thing you are putting it through! Keep at it and you will see results eventually! Keep up the great work!!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    You've not even given it a month. Give it more time, ensure you're not over estimating calories burned or underestimating calories in. Usual pit falls. It took me 5 weeks to see any results but you need to develop the routine and lifestyle. Also take dress size measurements and keep an eye on those because sometimes the scales don't represent your actual FAT loss.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    My advice would be to cut out grains. Eat lots of meat and veggies and some fruit too. Some people won't like this advice, but that's what works for me!
  • dmizzo44
    dmizzo44 Posts: 1 Member
    try making your "fats & carb" meal as early in the day as possible - egg white omelet with meat & veggies - yum. Try lite soup for lunch with whole wheat crackers - its low cal, has some veggies, and protein. Plus, you can make your own very inexpensively. And for dinner, go extremely light - salad and lean protein, skinny protein shake, or something like that. If you need something sweet, look for high fiber snacks like apples, fiber one brownies, or similar things. Snack on almonds,but keep it to a handful per serving. Keep at it - you'll hit your mark! :happy:
  • Tangent: 1200 seems really low for a human being

    On topic: Are you sure you're recording everything correctly? Are you weighing things or are you guessing?

    That is the calorie goal that MFP has me at. Most of my food intake is weighed and some is not
  • I was having the same problem and mfp had my calories too low. I upped them and now its finally starting to come off after over a month and a half. You can go to this website and find out what your brm is....

    Depending on how much weight you want to lose a week..if you want to lose 1lb you minus 500 calories from your brm, 2lbs a week minus 1000 calories. And you're suppose to eat your exercise calories back. Hope this helps! Good luck! :)

    Thanks, went to the site and it told me that I should be at 2,340 cal per day. :smile:
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    What are you eating? And what are you doing for exercise in that 30-45min timeframe? Everyone always says to eat more, but we also need to remember that although diet is a major part of weightloss, sometimes our bodies get used to our workouts and we just need to switch things up a bit.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    You're not eating back the calories you exercise. If 1270 is your set by MFP that's WITHOUT exercise. If you exercised and burned 400 calories, then only ate 1270, your NET calories for the day would be 870. That's too low.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    First, evaluate your intake. Are the amounts your recording right? 1 cup of cereal is deceptively small, especially since most bowls hold at least 2. Are you counting the oil you cook with? Every time you put some butter on a piece of bread? It's easy for extra calories to creep in that way.

    Also, if you're only trying to lose 10-20lbs, I would consider eating back your exercise calories. I eat back at least half of mine every day, and I've been losing fine. As others have suggested, upping your calories might help too. I've had successful results with that as well. Also, if you're not doing any strength training, try that. I couldn't get below 130 until I started doing strength training.
  • :sad: I just recalculated my goals and whatdya know?? My calorie goal was set way too high!! NO wonder I didn't lose any weight this past week!!! Unfortunately, it's late in the afternoon and I only have 477 calories left for dinner! It's only one day right?? :)
  • Eat more!! I set my cals to lose 2 lbs a week and so I I was at 1200 a day too... it worked for awhile and then I totally stopped losing for weeks and actually gained a few lbs (with 6-7 times a week exercising and diligent logging!) I finally upped my calories (changed to losing 1 lb a week) after so many people suggested it... so for 4 days now I've eaten 1500-1700 calories and I've lost 3 lbs already!! It felt weird to eat more, almost had to force myself but I think my body was hitting the "starvation mode" thing and holding on instead of letting go. We'll see how well it goes but it is what is working for me... worth a try! :)
  • I was having a similar issue until I found my metabolism was way to slow and my intake was no where nears "what I should be taking in". Avoiding simple carbs, incorporating complex carbs (brown rice helped hugely!) moderate protein intake, dont go crazy and prefer white meat over lots of red meat as well. Grazing (4-5 meals a deal) really helps out big time and when working out, monitor the rest intervals between sets etc, keep them -1 minute for example. The EA Sports 2 for me is incredible, Ive dropped 14 lbs in a month just making sure I keep an eye on all that. You'll get no where fast if your metabolism is on the floor due to poor or not emough caloric intake because your body is in survival mode trying to store everything you take in..

    Good luck!
  • Calorie count is too low, all my clients are on at least 1500 calories per day. like I have been reading in other posts, dont count cleaningt he house as exercise. Dont fool yourself, this site is a tool and not the end all of your nutrition and exercise. make sure you are getting enough protien, the body burns more calories trying to burn off protien than any other nutrient. Weight train, science has proven that over time the best way to get weight off and keep it off is weight training. switch things up, try a different class or different routine when it comes to exercise. Relax, the weight doesnt always come flying off for everyone, relax and it will come if you can look at your self in the mirror and say you have eaten clean and exercised.

    consistency is the only way!

    "be better than yesterday"

    good luck

  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    My advice would be to cut out grains. Eat lots of meat and veggies and some fruit too. Some people won't like this advice, but that's what works for me!

  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    When I first started MFP I didn't understand that I should eat my NET calories. This means eating back exercise calories. I didn't loose anything for the first 3 weeks. I finally decided to adjust my goal to 1/2 lb loss per week with brought me up to 1580 per day. I also exercise 5 days a week so I make sure to eat back those calories. Some days I am eating close to 2,000 calories. Once I made this adjustment I saw the weight start to come off. Play with the calorie goal but eat back your exercise. Dont starve yourself. Good Luck!
  • Thank you everyone for your encouragement and help I appreciate it. :flowerforyou: