
Right, I have a one year old girl and I'm a UK size 10-12 but I want to be back in my 8's; my PREBABY jeans. So what I'm asking of you is this.....

If you are a Mummy or even a Mommy who's trying to lose the baby weight then please please please let me know any doet secrets you have! I didn't gain any weight while i was pregnant, infact i weighed 9 1/2 stone when i found out and 9 stone when i gave birth! (Stupid amount of morning sickness constantly and the bloody Doctors not listening when I told them i was allergic to Cyclozine (sp) the main anti-sickness they use!)

However, since having my lovely little monster, I went to 12st; since joining this about 2 weeks ago, I've lost half a stone.

Is there more exercise I can do, with my little girl?
Meals i can cook that she won't turn her nose up at, but is healthy all round?
Something a bit different. I love trying new and strange food.

Also, feel free to add me and any other Mummy's or Mommy's who need that kick up the *kitten* too, also post here.



  • stephcatie
    Any Mummies at all?!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I push my son in the stroller; with some tiny hills I wind up burning as many if not more calories than going for a run for the same length of time. I usually go right after nap time and give him his afternoon snack so he has something to do as I walk. I try to go any time the weather is good enough. He also likes to sit on me when I'm doing push ups, sit ups, planks, etc which makes me work MUCH harder.
    Can't help with the food- my kid actually eats pretty well everything if he's in the mood to eat!
  • veepie
    veepie Posts: 103
    Hey. I am a mummy..needing to lose 30lbs. My little boy is 5 years old. Lost the baby weight then went on contraceptive and piled it all on. So back to square one. My little man likes pasta dishes and will eat fruits and vegetables...when he was younger I gave him food to play with and hold aswell as some pureed things..he eats very healthily and will drink only water and milk and occasionally juice. My little man likes to dance...When he was younger I used to take him walking in his pushchair.

    Netmums is a good resource for recipe ideas.

    I am at 164lbs :( hoping to get down to 134lbs :) xx
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I lost all my baby weight by the time my little guy was 6 mnths, then I piled it all back on and then some when he started eating solids, but I've now lost it all plus extra, just trying to get the last few kg off. He is now 2yo

    I lost the majority with just diet and a walk each day, but in the last month or 2 have started doing workout dvd's at home, like bodyrock, and jillian michaels. My son tries to workout with me, and sometimes he climbs on me while I try to do pushups, but I just keep going

    I give my son most of what we eat (hubby is on the diet too which makes life easier) and if there's things he wont eat I just adjust it a little for him

    Feel free to add me :)