Insanity without and hrm + more exercise

Hey guys, i was going to order Insanity soon, but i don't have a heart rate moniter. In the work out that I have, he always say to check your heart rate blah blah blah, is this really neccessary? I can see how it would be good to do it for logging exercise and stuff but if you follow the meal plan, and only do what you know your body can put up with then is it really worth it? (tight *kitten* here, i picked it up for 50 bucks! go me!).

Also did you guys do any other exercise apart form insanity when on it? it seems like it would be enough for a day.
I do have a dog so walking him in the morning will also be exercise, but at the moment im on 1200 cal, only 118lb looking to tone up ect. I'm struggling to eat all my calories at this level let alone if i exercised even more! I I know some people on Insanity have to eat 2500 + per day.. how the hell do I do that without eating a huge block of chocolate every day?!

Any extra info regarding insanity s appreciated too :)

thanks peoples


  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    I don't think you will want to do any other type of working out while doing insanity. At least I didn't want to. And very ones eats differenly, it's a great program:)
    And an hrm would be good to get if you really want to know what your burning. I didn't use one when I had it but I like having one now That I it one
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    A HRM is certainly useful for Insanity but it's not a necessity - believe me, you'll know when you need to stop! It does provide useful info, though and can be a good way of tracking improvements in fitness.

    I also agree with Jenene88 - I wouldn't do any other exercise in addition to Insanity (although dog walking or GENTLE Yoga etc, would be fine). If you want to do other things do them instead of the Insanity workouts.

    As far as Insanity is concerned it's arranged in two one-month cycles. The first month the workouts are generally 40+ minutes long. In the second month they are around an hour.

    In the first month you do a warm up which is usually 4 or 5 exercises (running on the spot, jumping jacks etc) for 30 seconds each, with no rest. These are then repeated two more times at a quicker pace, again without rests (either between the exercises OR the circuits). I actually find the warm up to be the hardest bit of the workouts.... ;(

    You then do a few minutes of stretching before doing another circuit of 4 or 5 exercises, which you repeat twice more (with no rests). You get a brief 30 second rest then you do another three circuits of different exercises (squat jumps, burpees, mountain climbers etc).

    The second month is pretty much the same, except the exercises are generally tougher AND you do an extra round of three circuits. The second month workouts are REALLY hard.....

    There are a couple of DVDs which aren't in circuits - they're just different exercises one after the other for the duration of the workout. And you also get a couple of "Recovery" discs with stretching, core work etc, although even these aren't exactly a walk in the park.

    Hope that helps.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    I just did a search on the boards on insanity vs px90.... wow, im kinda scared now, i dont know if im at the right fitnes level to start insanity. I found one workout in full online and i tried it and it was hard but i found it ok, i hope this wasnt one of the recovery workouts! what have i got myself into....