man trouble/advice needed

rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
I live on a small island and work in a hotel, we currently have some long term guest that are working in the area. I recently got a little 'friendly' with one of them,we have been flirting for a while and I've probably known him for over a month now. Since its a small place a lot of people seem to know about it including his workmates who have made it quite awkward (making comments when I serve them and trying to embarrass me) I hate people getting involved in things that don't concern them so tonight I just avoided them all. I think I may have offended the guy though,he usually stays in the bar to have a drink and a chat but tonight he left as soon as he had eaten. So either: he thinks I'm not interested? Or he was fed up of his workmates making comments?

Any opinions or advice for me? I do like him but its hard to find a time to talk to him since there are always other customers or his workmates around. I feel I could have handled the situation better and I'm kicking myself because I don't want him to think I'm not interested.


  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    If you like him and he likes you then eff what they are doing.
    Immature little idiots.
    NNSSJSKR Posts: 30 Member
    You need to make arrangements to see him outside of your workplace and away from his friends. Since it sounds like you have been talking for a while, you probably have common interests. Ask him to come with as you do an acitivity you both enjoy. If he is interested in you, he will make it clear he considers it a date. If he isn't, you can play it off as friends enjoying an interest together.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    You need to make arrangements to see him outside of your workplace and away from his friends. Since it sounds like you have been talking for a while, you probably have common interests. Ask him to come with as you do an acitivity you both enjoy. If he is interested in you, he will make it clear he considers it a date. If he isn't, you can play it off as friends enjoying an interest together.
