Need help, I am failing miserably

Hey all, I used to be a regular poster here. I am running into major mental obstacle, lack of motivation and lack of good food decisions. Sorry this post will be long, please bear with me. July 21st 2009 I decided I was going to get thinner. I started my journey and lost 50 lbs within 2 months and then steadily lost a little here and there. Eventually, I lost 80 lbs total. In May 2010, I was about to run my first marathon ever(just 5.6 miles, not the whole thing) and then BAM! I get an injury the night before the race. Literally 12 hours before the biggest race of my life, something happens. It seemed innocent at the time but the injury has life long consequences. I now have to wear compression socks to keep the fluid out of my legs. Not the end of the world but a little annoying. Then came foot surgery which laid me up for about 2 months of no gym. Followed by a shoulder injury that really impeded training. Now, I was in this rut. Too much time away from the gym. Too many days of each bad food. Too many days of not working out. I lost the fire I once had to get healthy. I've had spurts of it here and there but nothing like what I first experienced. I started at 330 lbs, got down to 250 lbs and now I am back up to 270 lbs. I can't seem to stop myself from eating bad food. I eat good for a couple days and then WHAM! I crave bad stuff. Its so powerful, its like a junkie looking for a fix. I go for chips and dip and donuts. Thats my vice. I can plow thru 4000 cals in a day and not even bat an eye. I have a nutritionist whom I've been working with for the past 6 months. I just recently started seeing a therapist to talk about other life issues. I am at my wits end. Why can't I get back that fire and desire that I had 2 1/2 years ago? Heres where I am hoping you guys come in. I need help. This is the only place where I can talk about food and weight loss issues and feel like a normal person. I can't go to my facebook friends, they wouldn't understand me like you guys would. I am asking, begging for support. A buddy to keep me in line? Yell at me when I do bad? Make me feel guilty for eating crap? I need it, I deserve it. Anyone up for the challenge?


  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    While I don't have the injuries you have had, I too struggle with maintaining motivation. I have lot about 70 lbs and have 28 more to go, but I just can't stop eating crap at night.

    Send me a friend request, maybe we can kick each others' rear ends into shape!

    Thanks for sharing your story...know that you are NOT alone! And your overall stas are amazing!
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I've definitely been in a similar place. I wish I had a sure fire suggestion but it's a complex issue. I think going to see a therapist and a nutritionist is a good start. Some things to maybe think about/talk to your therapist about -

    What need is food meeting for you? Comfort? Nurturing? Stress reduction? Is there something else you can do to take care of yourself?

    Is the eating a self-punishment for something - like not completing that marathon or for having an injury (being broken, feeling weak, etc.) Is forgiveness and understanding in order?

    Whenever we overeat compulsively, there is a reason. Even if it's not a healthy coping mechanism, there's a valid issue beneath it. Be curious, patient, and kind towards yourself - beating yourself up can trigger more food problems.
  • Tmbrooks75
    Tmbrooks75 Posts: 182 Member
    I appreciate all the support you guys. Always looking for new friends. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • oldale40
    oldale40 Posts: 36 Member
    hey there

    i got my motivation from my doctor. heading for a heart attack if i didn't change my diet. so overnight i quit hamburgers hotdogs donuts muffins cheese of all kind (i now eat cheese moderately). i was on lipitor and blood pressure meds for 3 years. then my wife bought the books by Dr Oz and Dr Roizen :You on a diet , You the owners Manual, and You staying young. These books gave me a better understanding of how bad foods attack your system. i then started with the GI Diet book by Dr Rick Gallop. this book was awesome it has a simple color coded chart that green lights foods or red lights food you can or cannot eat. i now eat foods that are not overly processed and single ingredient. i don`t follow a diet as such just try to eat well and exercise(my downfall)`.
    my food diary is open to all to see i have good days and bad days. i try to restrict Alcahol to weekends and special occasions midweek. (this a tough one one i love my scotch). so thats my story i hope that helps