Jillian Michaels Whey Protein VS. Body by Vi



  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    Body by Vi is a scam. Way over priced protein if you look at how little you get per serving.
  • electlady40
    electlady40 Posts: 6 Member
    Great to hear! I just started body by vi on Monday 02/24 and today I am down 4pds without much exercise. I am excited to see where this shake take me b/c it is good and fulfilling and I snack every 2 to 3 hrs on fruit or almonds etc.. My friend at work has lost 20lbs in his first month.
  • michaelahynes
    michaelahynes Posts: 2 Member
    I am curious to know what people have found out about body by vi vs a protein shake.... I really need some guidance the bbv is very expensive but if its worth it- then fine.. but i need some thoughts!
  • Lmorgan25
    Lmorgan25 Posts: 1 Member
    definitely the truth !!! Real food, is the key to any success... all those raw veggies and fruit can make a pretty mean smoothies/shake and help with weightloss, maintance, and balance in life !!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    @blcraven - the JM Whey protein is just whey protein. The BBV powder is more than just protein powder, it includes Aminogen which helps maximize protein and nutrient absorption. Fiber-sol which is a fiber blend that helps you keep feeling full. The protein is a blend of whey and soy with all the bad stuff removed (isoflavones).

    @noeys - not magic just a lot of nutrition in one shake. 1600 calories is not a lot if you are eating 5-6 small healthy high protien meals a day and using the shakes to substitute a couple of those when convenient

    @suziecue66 and fubar2us - the body can only absorb 4 to 9 grams of protein an hour. anything more just goes down the toilet. The 12g is just whats in the shake mix, when you add fat free milk, soy milk or almond milk it doubles the protein intake. so if you are eating at 12-20 grams of protein every 3 hours you will be always absorbing it for muscle building/repairing.

    BTW My wife and I use ViSalus products and promote the Body By Vi 90 day Challenge. I am not trying to be bias just responding to the questions. As Suziecue66 stated if you keep up with any program or product results will follow. Our family, friends and ourselves have had great success with it. There is a whole lot more detailed info out there, I tried to summarize. hope this all helps and good luck to everyone on their goals!
    Do you have some scientific backup for that?

    Are you suggesting that if I do that '72oz steak challenge', only 4-9grams of protein from that will be absorbed per hour and so I won't put any weight on from the rest?
    That would be rather nice, if it were the case ;)

    For the OP:
    I wouldn't bother with either brand unless one is particularly cheap.
    If I wanted extra shakes, I'd go with the cheapest reputable stuff you can get your hands on.
    In the uk I would use 'my protein' or similar.