It's all up to me!

I've just now discovered the forums, so I thought I'd jump in and introduce myself.

I'm working on losing 100 pounds that I gained 10 years ago during medical treatment. The weight was gained in three months, but getting rid of it has been more than I ever expected.

I hit my current height at age 12, and I stayed within 10 pounds of the same weight (normal range) until I was 31 years old. I enjoyed aerobics and weight toning classes, and I was an avid walker. Then I got sick, and I couldn't do my exercises. I gained 10 pounds. Then I gained 90 more during medical treatment for a near-fatal illness.

Once I was "better", I was shocked by how tiring it was dragging around an extra 100 pounds. I was miserable. I developed other health issues. And the weight would not budge. People asked me what I did to lose weight before I got sick, but honestly I never had to lose weight. I did not come from a family of overweight people. It's not something we had to deal with.

So, I'm now past my acute medical issue, and I've been cleared of any other medical issues. My doctor has me on a 1200 calorie diet and 30 minutes of exercise a day. I'm still struggling with things to eat because I'm on a low purine and restricted protein diet.

I'm making progress, though. I've lost 12 pounds since January 9. I think that's good enough to keep me from having to go on a medically-supervised 900 calorie diet, which I'm trying to avoid.

Here's hoping I can get back to my original pre-illness weight!