What do you do when you let yourself down?



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Just make today be a good day... drink plenty of water, get your exercise in.

    Bad days are going to happen... even bad back to back days... the key is to not have them too often. Pay attention to what you are doing and logging it in your diary... it works!
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    I just pick myself up the next day and continue on with my goals. We're changing habits and lifestyles we've had for years, so it's not going to be easy. Try not to beat yourself up and just make today a good day. =)
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    the next day is a NEW and a fresh start.....drink tons of water to flush out your system and throw in a little bit more exercise (that will help you feel better mentally)
  • You pick yourself back up and start from the minute after. Ok, so I indulged earlier, but I will start over NOW. Don't wait, put a smile on your face and think how you would treat your best friend if this happened. Be your own friend and say, "It's ok. I will walk a little longer each day this week." and do it!!
    Good Luck. You can do it!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'll share what my grandmother used to tell me:

    If you stumble on a rock, do you pick it up and repeatedly smack your head with it? NO. Dust yourself off and keep going child.
  • Did you journal your slip ups?
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    I take it one meal at a time instead of one day at a time. If I go off the rails at lunch I know I can rally by dinner and make good choices. If you take it day by day the urge to blow dinner because you lost it at the vending machine is too strong. Don't let a weak moment haunt you.

    I'll jump rope for a few minutes. Mentally I have to work out again so I don't feel bad.
  • mlawilm
    mlawilm Posts: 39 Member
    All you can do is move on and start the new day fresh and back on track. Don't beat yourself up....we spend years abusing our health and it isnt going to change overnight.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Forgive yourself and keep trying to do better. You don't have to be perfect, just try to be consistently eating healthier and exercising and your weight will go down in spite of a few mistakes.
  • Denkko
    Denkko Posts: 28 Member
    Great way to put it in perspective. I have managed to not slip yet, but then I'm only 10 days into this ... I cheated a tiny bit this morning by stopping for an Egg McMuffin and already am gearing up to work it off this evening.
  • Well, I ate FAR too much pizza yesterday. And when I went on my 3-mile run this morning, it was faster and easier than usual. So I'm going to count that pizza as fuel and stop feeling guilty about it.

    Or so I tell myself. :)
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I realize that guilt will get me nowhere and there is no way to undo the done. So I pick myself up and move forward. Tomorrow is going to come whether you choose to better your health and fitness or not - so you might as well always be productive and never let a "splurge" day hold you back. You don't lose all your weight in one day and you don't gain it all back in one day either. Think in terms of this being a lifestyle change and then put that one day in perspective to ALL the days you have left, yet to live. The day doesn't hold as much weight then.
  • opajee
    opajee Posts: 69
    If I mess up, I work out on one of the two days I'm scheduled to not work out. I don't worry about every day, rather I focus on making my weekly goals.
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    Guilt is a paralyzer so , in the words of Pumba from the Lion King , " you've got to put your behind in the past " ( put your past behind you ) . Every day is a new start , use what you messed up on yesterday as a teaching tool , and step forward without the guilt .

    Knocked down 7 times , got back up 8 ! As long as you keep getting back up you are , in the words of another cartoon character Charlie Sheen , " Winning " !
  • Well said savage22hp !
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    i log it anyway...sulk for a bit (sulk time is going down each time haha!) and then work it off!
    move on, you'll work it off x