Ripped in 30

Anyone doing Ripped in 30? I took a break from the shred and started this 2 days ago, it definitely feels harder then the shred!


  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I'm doing ripped BUT i'm doing my own schedule with a few of her other dvds so i'm not doing ripped every day, just twice a week = its a blinking good workout!

    i did it with 3+5kg weights yesterday and thought my arms were going to fall off!
  • I'm only using 2.5lb weights and that's a struggle for me!!
    I do love jillian.. I hate her during the workouts though!
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm starting ripped in 30 and killer buns and legs tonight! Would be great to check in regularly. i've got 3 and a half weeks til my holiday so i intend to log in every day and push really hard.
  • We can motivate each other then as I'm only on day 3 :)
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    So yesterday I did level 1 of ripped in 30 - quite good - reminded me of 30 day shred. followed this by killer buns and thighs also by Jillian. Aiming to do ripped in 30 again tomorrow!
  • How did you find it? Harder then the shred?
  • FitN50s
    FitN50s Posts: 179 Member
    Tomorrow will be day 5 of Week 1 for me. It's killer. It may take me a bit longer to be ready to move on to week 2, but it is a great work out. It may be more like Ripped in 45 for me.
  • Meraai82
    Meraai82 Posts: 9 Member
    I finished day 6 of week 1 yesterday. First time I've done a Jillian workout and I am really enjoying it. Sweating like a racehorse and cursing under my breath (whatever little breath I have left mind you!) But it's so worth it when you can feel an improvement by the end of the week (and you really do!). I could've used a little bit more ab work (be carefull what you wish for), but the cardio and strength is very core/posture oriented so I guess that also contributes to the ab portion. Had a sneak peak of what's to come in week 2...Oh My Greatness...but I'm sure it will be totally worth it. Happy Ripping ladies!
  • whoosh1
    whoosh1 Posts: 30 Member
    I alternate JM dvds for my cross training days from running.

    I personally like Ripped in 30 better than 30 Day Shred. Doing 3 strength moves per circuit instead of 2 in 30DS is much better. I always felt like dying at the end of the long strength set and my form would suffer.
  • FitN50s
    FitN50s Posts: 179 Member
    Week 1, Day 5 - Done! I'm already starting to see changes. It's awesome! Might I just mention - I hate chair flies! It must mean I need to work those muscles more, but they kill me. I use 5lb weights for the rest of the workout, but I have to use the 3lb ones for the chair flies and side squat/arm raises. It's really showing me where my weaknesses are. I can't decide if I should move on to Week 2 before I can master chair flies with 5lb weights. Any advice? When do you move on? Are you doing each Week for a week, or do you have a goal to reach before you advance?
  • seekimrun
    seekimrun Posts: 8 Member
    I love Ripped and I'd like to join you guys. I did Ripped right before my wedding for 3 weeks and although I didn't change my diet, I was definitely more toned and received lots of compliments.

    Today I'm going to start again all over and try to diet as well (1,200 calories a day). Hopefully it'll go through this time too!
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    Attempted ripped in 30 level 3 yesterday OH WOW!!!
  • I alternate R130 with some of her other DVDs, and it's great when I want a faster more intense workout. I find weeks 2 and 3 to be the hardest (maybe it's those damn duckwalks in week three that set the tone!!)
  • FitN50s
    FitN50s Posts: 179 Member
    Week 2, Day 2 - Done. I'm tolerating it better than I than I thought I would. The plank jacks are pure evil - I really wonder what kind of person thinks up such torture. I will master them before I move on!