Sheffield Varsity 10K

25th of March is the first Sheffield Varsity 10K race @ the Don Valley Stadium.

I received my email about it on Thursday and paid for my entry Sunday!

I believe all runners are welcome, but the idea is to get runners who are graduates, students, staff etc. of both the University of Sheffield (UoS) and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) to compete and represent their University, over 10K at the Don Valley Stadium.

I graduated from Sheffield Hallam in 2007 and pledged my allegiance in this race to them :) all profits go to a worthy charity and its all abit of fun for runners!

Anyone else interested in joining in? or anyone already signed up? :)
P.S. I'd love to Sub 1 Hour this :)


  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Can't even walk 10k, let alone run it! Besides.. I graduated from both.. which side would I join?
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    8 weeks for you to get to that point of run walking maybe? :) and SHU of course, but I'm bias lol