Lunch Options for Work


I was wondering what people took to work for lunch when dieting - I've been having soups and low fat snacks but finding that I'm nowhere near my calorie levels by doing so. I want to continue eating healthy but at the same have something more substantial that isn't too inconvenient for work.

We don't have a cooker or oven in the office either - just hot water and a microwave so needs to be something I can make quickly at home the night before and refrigerate or can microwave.

I'm trying to avoid starchy carbs too. Any ideas would be great!!



  • akadrea
    akadrea Posts: 85 Member
    A lot of times I'll take leftovers from a low cal dinner. I usually make enough for leftovers and I'll weigh them out and stick them in the freezer for a quick grab and go meal. I just have to heat it up in the microwave. I'll also bring yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese. I have a little cooler bag that I picked up at Target that I keep my stuff cold in.

    (curry chicken in crockpot with curry quinoa, balsamic chicken in crockpot with noodles and spaghetti squashi, taco salad, salad with grilled chicken)
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Veggies, cheese, fruit, yogurt, left overs from the night before or one of the pre-made frozen meals I have in the freezer, oatmeal, Hard boild eggs are good too. I basically bring anything that really isn't nailed down. All I have is a microwave but its more than enough.
  • tiffastar
    tiffastar Posts: 46 Member
    I make turkey sandwhiches the night before and also using my Target Cooler bag, bring them into work all week. I don't mind eating the same thing each day. Watch for healthy bread of course and low sodium turkey slices. Add tomato and mustard. If you have a microwave, Amy's Light and Lean are excellent meals.
  • Tracey_Smith
    Today I had 150gs Fage 0% fat free yoghurt, 1 tbs peanut butter (crunchy), 1 scoop chocolate protein shake mixed together then topped with 10 chopped almonds. low calorie, low carb, very filling and totally delicious. :tongue:
  • Kmm5062
    Kmm5062 Posts: 10 Member
    This Sunday i made turkey chili in the slow cooker and brought it in for lunch. I store leftovers in lunch size portions so i can grab it on my way out the door. I'm also a big fan of string cheese and oranges for a snack.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    BUMP - i need suggestions in this area too! :)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I'm kinda proud of myself - made baked chicken drumsticks last night in the oven, then had romaine lettuce and took the leaves, set them out like little boats, and filled them with chopped tomato, onion, bell pepper, mushroom, and sliced cucumber and a little Cacique queso fresco. Like little salad boats that don't really need dressing because the queso fresco is tangy and creamy.

    Brought extra of all the veggies and 2 romaine leaves and 2 drumsticks to work for lunch today. Low-carb and can't be more than 350 calories, and tons of fiber and protein. If you can ever make extra for dinner, it's the best way to guarantee lunch. I don't really have time otherwise, and end up opting for either a can of Progresso/Healthy Choice soup, or Chick-Fil-A's Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad (220 cals and AMAZING). Otherwise it's Subway, or I'll get a Wendy's Chili with lots of protein/fiber.

    I'm thinking if I cut some carbs out, I will start feeling better and seeing improvements. :) I'm a bread fiend, so planning is definitely key...
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I make chicken and veggies or some red meat. I also do Tuna or turkey sandwiches. I also do PB&J when I have nothing else.

    I prepare food a few days in advance and stick in fridge!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I found soups to be too high in sodium, not that I never have some but usually only once a month. Frozen entrees are the same thing. Such a small portion and so much fat and calories in them. I can eat more and enjoy it more if I pack my own lunch. I like to have wraps. You can put anything in them. Flat outs are the best. I also like to have a HUGE salad with diced chicken or fat free turkey franks (sliced). I don't normally like salads so I put everything in them...banana peppers for a kick, fat free cheese, tomatoes, celery, green peppers. I just change it up. I also have fat free turkey franks with banana peppers and fat free cheese with hot chilli sauce. Snack time is usually special K chips or orville redenbachers 94% fat free kettle popcorn. It's worked for me, I'm down 51 pounds and from a size 14 to a 2. Play around a bit. You will find something you love. When I'm in a bind and don't have time to make my lunch and supper (work back to back jobs) I will do an oven roasted chicken breast with lettuce, tomato, green peppers and banana peppers with a little hot sauce. No cheese, no other dressing.
  • meggersd
    pita and hummus, pita and tazatki or veggies and hummus and tzatsiki tuna and salad
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I love morning star black bean soy burgers on deli flats. I also stock up on green giants veggies in sauce. Also try morning stars corn dogs they are great too. You can also bring left over dinner to work too :)
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Leftovers is the best.
    quick easy salads with tuna/salmon/chicken
    Turkey sandwiches
    fruits, yogurts
    nuts & cheese

    I personally snack all day on fruits yogurts b/c at work it gets so busy & Im usually too stressed to sit & enjoy a mini meal like a human, so I love PB on bread with banana to help carb hunger & give me a boost.
    Quick & easy.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    My favourite lunch options:
    Tin of tuna, 50g of pasta, whole cucumber – all mixed into salad
    120g smoked salmon, 150g boiled new potatoes, dills on top – all mixed into salad
    2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1 tbs of peanut butter, one banana – all made into sandwich
    As sad as it sounds, leftover from kids dinner, something like 50g of brown rice+a bit of stewed beef+veggie
    I am trying to keep my lunch within 400kcal.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I usually take what I made for dinner for lunch the next day. If I don't have enough then I make a salad with an egg or two for protein. :)
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    I make lunchmeat sandwiches most of the time, usually on a multi-grain sandwich thin roll. Today it's roast beef & provolone, some lettuce and mustard. That and a piece of fruit, maybe some veggie straws as a snack, and I'm good. I have a fridge but don't use it. I just use an insulated lunch bag at my desk. If you need it to be really cold you could get one of those little block things that go in the freezer.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    On Sunday, I will grill up some meat (chicken breasts, fish, ground chicken or ground turkey) with some veggies, barley, rice. I portion that into the proper size for the calories I need, and then freeze them. I take them into the office and microwave them when ready. I don't need a refrigerator since they take so long to thaw. I also know exactly what is going into my food.
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    I make soups and bring them and heat in the oven or bulgar wheat salad is one of my favs, roast some veg in the oven and a chicken breast and make up the bulgar wheat with a tsp of veg bouillion powder. mix all together when veg cooked.

    I always have a stock of tinned tuna or mackeral in my drawer t work and some ryvita just in case I am stuck or don't like what I brought in.

    We only have a microwave and kettle too.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    1/2 Brown rice and 1/2 steamed green beans or any steamed veg = good base for any stews, casseroles, curries or similar which you can make at home (low fat, low calorie versions) and simply re-heat at work.

    Not too carby and also very filling.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I hate reheating stuff in the microwave so I typically bring fruit or clif bars for snacks and a cold salad for lunch. I always add rice or quinoa and beans and extra veggies to bulk up the salad and make it filling. I make a big batch of rice/beans on thw weekend and chop up veggies that need it so each day I can throw together a lunch in about 2 minutes.
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    I take left overs or frozen lunches (like lean cuisine). I also love turkey wraps. Just pack some turkey, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes. When ready wrap it all in a small tortilla. Depending on your calorie count you can add a little cheese or avocado. I use vinegar, no-fat dressings or lemon juice. There are also little salad containers you can buy that keep salad and dressing apart until ready.

    Fruit and nuts are my snacks.

    Subway wraps or salads can be picked up in the morning. Otherwise, I prepare my lunch at night and set the lunch bag in the frig. In the morning I just put an ice pack in and go!

    Good luck!