Suspicious of calories burned by "exercise"



  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    If the elliptical takes into account your weight , age ,height, sex , etc , I would tend to go with that . If not , don't be too quick to discount the MFP numbers . I , like you was suspicious of the MFP numbers for walking and adopted an arbitrary number of calories to represent my burn doing walking . I was burning 350 calories monitored on a recumbent stationary bike riding for 45 minutes maintaining a HR of 123 average . I thought , there is no way I am burning more calories ( MFP said approx . 650 for 1 hour walking at moderate pace ) in 1 hour walking than I am doing 45 minutes on the bike . I started logging 350 calories for walking for 1 Hour and adjusted it accordingly to the amount of time I walked . I then got a HRM that computes calories burned , taking into account my age , weight , heart rate , etc and low and behold MFP was much closer than I thought possible . As I have lost weight , the calories burned has dropped because I have gotten into better shape and the load I am carrying has decreased . MFP , at least I think , averages what may be happening to a wide variety of body types and health conditions . It is only a guide and may not be exact to you . If you have any way to check the numbers against a HRM then you would be more confident in them .