30 day shred

GG70 Posts: 232 Member
just wondering.. is the 30ds suppose to be done exclusively for results or is it meant to supplement another workout? also please share your results.. pics would be a bonus! need motivation..


  • dmanning0819
    dmanning0819 Posts: 93 Member
    Look at my friends list, I have a friend whose user name is....Mama2SethandOlivia. She is doing the 30 day shred and her results are awesome. I did a little research and most people say that the 30DS is meant to be your sole workout. It's meant to melt your body fat and it's completely hard core lol! If you are wanting to burn a little more calories though I would do somthing very light like walking, the treadmill, or the elliptical. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    just wondering.. is the 30ds suppose to be done exclusively for results or is it meant to supplement another workout? also please share your results.. pics would be a bonus! need motivation..

    You can supplement it with other workouts if;
    a. You feel up to it and feel you can perform them safely
    b. You can keep up with how much you'll need to eat to compensate for the calories burnt.

    I'm doing it at the moment, 6 days a week and Strength Training on 4 of those days as well. I don't have any problem with eating a lot though, and have always done regular exercise.

    Your results will be better if you supplement it, but it can be your full workout - especially if you're not used to regular, intense workouts.
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    I added it into my regular workout. I go to the gym every day and do about 45 minutes of cardio and some strength, so I still do that, PLUS the 30 day shred.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    thank you.. that was very helpful.. I have almost 1 week of it under my belt and I am on level 2.. I have been doing Zumba or elliptical to supplement it but then thought I might be going over the top and not sure if I could maintain all that for 1 full month.. was wondering what others do ..but I will def commit to doing 30 ds every day and will intensify burn with extra cardio.. Thanks so much!!!:smile: