Looking for friends for motivation (esp if your from Toronto


I am looking to get healthy for myself and for my son. I currently have sciatica that is caused by my weight and also from TTC (trying to conceive for my Torontonians). My final goal is to lose 50+ lbs but for starters I would like to lose 10 lbs in the next month. It may get weird when I do get pregnant because then I will have to deal with the cravings and also the weight gain from the pregnancy, but as long as I make the right food choices and exercises, I should be good. I'm trying to do the water thing, but it's hard when you're addicted to Coca Cola. And with trying to get pregnant, I don't want to use sweetners. Also, hoping to find some sort of way to workout, but with a 4 yr old and a full time job, finding the time is hard. Maybe there are some ideas out there to help with finding the time to fit it in.

I've got a Wii Fit and have started using it for the workouts, but had to take a break because the sciatica is not helping. Hopefully, it goes away so that I can start it up again.

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  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I'm not from Toronto, but I can say that with my pregnancy, I only gained 15 lbs because I did exactly what you mentioned about eating good and exercising. (I gained more during breast feeding because I felt like I was starving non-stop and didn't make the healthiest choices) The first thing I had to get out of my head was that I wasn't "eating for 2". That is a lame excuse people use. The baby eats everything you eat, so just make good choices and do your best to drink water. It's difficult to drink lots of water at first when you are not used to it, but it does get easier. Try to limit the amount of Coke you drink per day and maybe try the coke zero for a while to help you cut back. I find that keeping my now 1-yr old out of trouble takes a lot of time away from doing things I need to do, but recently, I have discovered that I can jog in place while I put on her favorite show or some music and she will dance around with me. Try doing this and making it fun so that your 4-yr old will want to join in. It will be good for him too and teach him healthy habits for life! When you jog in the house, go barefoot... this relieves a lot of stress from your back and sciatica. I hope this helps. Friend me if you want more support... good luck and I hope you are able to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy!
  • xokelxo
    xokelxo Posts: 13
    Hey, my name`s Kelly. I`m from the Toronto area and feel your pain. I would like to offer you some support. Since we have the same basic goal of abuot 5o pounds of weight loss, i feel your paibn! I also have ridiculous back problems, but so far ive found that the exercise does not worsen it, it actually seems to loosen everything up. I hope you do really well with your goals, children are a great motivator. P.S. i had a crazy pepsi addiction, and i stopped that cold turkey and now while im tracking my food intake, i cant even imagine what that was doing to my body. Good luck with everything!
  • fixeruppper
    fixeruppper Posts: 105 Member
    I used to be from Toronto but have lived in Huntsville for many years and can relate to your situation. I had 3 kids, had to work and also gained a lot of weight during my pregnancies. Even though I went to Weight Watchers and several other diet clubs I was never able to take off the extra 70 or 80 lbs. that I'd gained over the years. Last year it finally caught up with me when I was diagnosed with cancer. Luckily, I've been in remission for almost 6 months and have a good chance of staying in remission as long as I can control my eating, exercise and try not to get stressed out. In the last 5 months I've lost 20 lbs. because of this program. I've had some good days and some terrible days and even several days in a row when I tried to do it without this program. This program works for lots of reasons but I think mainly because you have to be accountable. I would be happy to be your friend and help you through this very tough journey.