Just started with myfitnesspal

Hi everyone, I started on Sunday which was a good day but also a bad day because of the football games. It's hard not to have snacks when there are good football games to watch. but I did really good, health snacks and water and I went to the gym before the game to keep my mind in the right place (fitness, I got to be good I keep telling myself).
anyways i'm 48 started getting on a health trip towards the end of 2010 had got a membership to a gym trying to eat the right portions plus i'm also out there jogging and walking at lunch time which is an hour long and that is to much time just found myself that it was wasted time and need to do something different for myself. So I just decided to start to walk and then I added jogging into the mix and it is going really good.

During Thanksgiving and Christmas I kinda of fell of the bandwagon, and now I told myself that I need to get back on. And I can't believe how hard it is to get motivated and get going again, by watching what I eat and portion and the exercise. but i'm determind and setting small goals for myself.


  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    It's hard to get going again once you've "fallen off the bandwagon" I'm in the same boat. Hope you're able to keep it up! I love that this site shows you what a difference changing some foods up helps. I hope you're able to get motivated again. It's hard to power through the "I'm tired, I don't want to do this" nagging. Best of luck!
  • streammary
    streammary Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks, at the beginning it was difficult to get going but now I'm in full swing of getting back into it. It was just at the beginning that was hard to get going, I'm setting small goals for myself again as to what I did last year and I had a great time reaching those goals. they were goals that I should be able to reach within 2 months so I just had to get the mind in that place again.
    I do see myself use this site as a very positive tool to use to help with my goal setting, as for the recipes that I have already have used many times and just using the calorie counter and just so many different items on this site.
    I see that you have just recently joined also, wishing you the Best of Luck on your journey also.