Body Step calorie burn

I do a step class at least once a week and have been for over two years. Today I wore my Garmin HR monitor to see what kind of calories I burned and it only said 140! I am very high intensity during the class and am dripping with sweat by the end. When I use the MFP calculator it estimates about 500 calories for a full class. I know that calorie burn depends on all kinds factors but does anybody else use a Garmin or other GPS/HR monitor to track calorie burn? I'm new to MFP and don't want to over- or underestimate.



  • I did a bodystep today in SYD and my heart rate monitor said I burnt 434 calories...however I am a strong built, big girl with a lot of muscle and I went full at the choreography - struggling a bit - my heart rate when over the max limit more than 2times...
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Check if you HRM is programmed right. For example mine asks height, weight, age and all that. Double check the settings.