Gym Nut? How many times should you workout a week for optimu



  • Rest days are when the real magic happens.

    Thanks for the responses! Is it truly necessary to take every other day off though? Why take a rest day if you are not sore? Can't you just work out different muscle groups?

    It is necessary that you allow your body time to recover. When you workout, especially when you lift weights, you are actually tearing down the muscle that is already there. During recovery, your body repairs these tissues and essentially adds more tissue, therefore building more muscle. If you don't allow your body time to do this, then you won't be getting the results you're hoping for.

    Working out is great for you and it is reccommended that you get at least 30-60 minutes of activity in a day for general health. Instead of doing 2 hours EVERY day, break up your workouts. Do just an hour of intense cardio one day, then the next day just do an hour of lifting and no cardio, and so on and so forth. That way you're still getting to the gym, and still allowing your body plenty of rest time between lifting days (cardio isn't as hard on your muscle as weight lifting).
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Rest days are when the real magic happens.

    Yep. I've even debated taking my lifting from 3 days to 2 days now that I'm in a cutting phase and just increasing low impact cardio other days.

    If you're really making it count and working hard on your workout days, make sure you're getting adequate rest. I couldn't lift more than 3 days a week if I freaking wanted to. It exhausts me to the max.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    3 times a week is enough if you are doing a full body workout. Rest days are important, it's when all the change happens :smile:

    I workout 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) and have the weekend off. I don't do the same body parts all 5 days though, like you would in a full body workout. It goes a bit like this:

    Mon: Workout A
    Tues: Workout B
    Wed: Workout C
    Thurs: Workout A
    Fri: Workout B

    Sat & Sun: Rest

    So I always have at least 2 days in-between to rest the different muscle groups. I rarely workout more than an hour, usually 30-60 minutes a time.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    2 hours a day INTENSELY is too much. you will burn out at that rate. I think either you focus on intensity OR duration--not both. You're going to get injuries from overtraining. In addition, it simply isn't necessary. Your weight loss goals require a 350 calorie deficit and you don't need to workout that much to get there.

    2 hours a day is totaly fine while cycling gear. Since you repair so much faster its actually more beneficial
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I was told once to use this ratio when I'm planning how to approach workout goals
    60% Diet
    30% Rest
    10% Workout

    Wait what? mine is like this:
    100% Diet
    100% Rest
    100% Workout
  • MsMarketeer
    MsMarketeer Posts: 24 Member
    As long as you are not working the same muscle groups 2 days in a row you should be fine.

    Remember: The body builds muscle using the food you ate while you are resting.

    Working out is just your way of telling your body it needs to build those muscles.



    Cardio daily is fine though!
  • melrose09
    melrose09 Posts: 271
    I go 5-6 days a week. Mondays total body and maybe a little cardio if time and baby allow, Tuesdays is cardio and core, Wednesday is cardio and total body, Thursday is Cardio and acro, Friday is Total body and maybe a little cardio (again if time and baby allow) and Saturdays are usually cardio and core. SO you can see, I Have a break in between each total body work out, but not cardio for the most part. It works for me, but I think I recover quickly
  • melrose09
    melrose09 Posts: 271
    I was told once to use this ratio when I'm planning how to approach workout goals
    60% Diet
    30% Rest
    10% Workout

    Wait what? mine is like this:
    100% Diet
    100% Rest
    100% Workout

    ^awesome :) and don't forget 100% dedication! see results, you need to give it 400%! :)
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I dont rest every other day. I do cardio at least 15 minutes of elliptical, 15 mins of walking and 15 mins of biking. My trainer always said to mix it up. Weights on the other hand...I hate them so I have been avoiding them, but I think you should do lower body one day, upper body next day
  • GraceOrr
    In my opinion rest is key. I alternate days, I run one day (im training for a race), the next day i lift weights in the gym, I mix in a little cardio to get my heart rate up. So, I alternate days and do yoga 5 nights a week for 30 min, then rest on sundays...Its good to switch it up and rest.
  • purseus
    purseus Posts: 54
    well depending how im feeling i'll go about six days
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    For fat burn you need more cardio. Do your weights every other day. Rotate through the major muscle groups. Give your muscles time to recover. You can do some form of cardio 6/d per week. Try different cardio routines to keep it interesting.
    Good luck!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Hello! I am trying hard to loose 15 pounds in 5 months and I want optimum results.
    You've been given some great advice about the exercise half of the equation.

    However, no amount of exercise will result in reduced body fat unless you are eating less than your body needs.

    Your diary is closed so I've no idea what you're eating right now, perhaps you're already aware of this and eating at a calorie deficit. I only mention this because a lot of new members come here thinking that if they exercise hard enough, they can lose weight without also making changes to their diet.

    The good news is that if you can start at a pound a week, even when your weight loss slows down, you should still have time to lose 15lb in 5 months. :smile:
  • Lyric82
    Lyric82 Posts: 119
    bump...gonna read responses later cuz it's an interesting question...
  • cori1089
    cori1089 Posts: 5 Member
    any fitness magazines or their websites.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I was told once to use this ratio when I'm planning how to approach workout goals
    60% Diet
    30% Rest
    10% Workout

    AND 100% adaptability
    AND 100% autoregulation

    so what is that like 600%?

    Wait what? mine is like this:
    100% Diet
    100% Rest
    100% Workout

    ^awesome :) and don't forget 100% dedication! see results, you need to give it 400%! :)
  • averrill1980
    averrill1980 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree, i was also told that you should workout everyother day. if your body doesnt rest in between workouts you are causing more stress to your body and in turn will get less results. i used to think you had to go at least 5 days to get results. this is not true whatso ever.
  • Tmdesir
    Tmdesir Posts: 68 Member
    I work out with a personal trainer 6 times a week. I cross train and do a different body part every day (weights) and cardio every day. If I stick to my diet :) it works for me.
  • Dnc2Luz
    Dnc2Luz Posts: 33
    Have a plan. There are alot of good books in the libraries and bookstores. I am still tweek'n the weights sets and reps. If I had the money I'd have a personal trainer(check qualifications and references, ask around). I believe cardio everyday, but mix it up. Our bodies get used to the same thing. I do weights everyother day. Yoga and stretch/balance classes are good for your heart and help prevent injury.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    So glad I am not the only one that does cardio daily. I take a break once every week or 2 but i was getting worried at the responses. Shew Relief!