New to MFP

Hello to everyone from Merritt island, Fl. I'm 53 years old with 3 wonderful children, 2 granchildren and a beautiful loving wife of 32 1/2 years. Originally from St. Louis, Mo. Retired from the Air Force in 1994. I have always had a weight problem my whole life. Lost 65 lbs just to join the Air Force out of high school, never realized they had a weight limit. At 6'0, my weight could not go over 205 lbs. Struggled my entire Air Force career to just maintain my maxium weight allowance. So when I retired, I let myself go and didn't care much about exercise and ate everything in sight for about 10 months. Before I knew it I had gained 100 lbs. I eventually reached 353 lbs, even though I was working out, mostly weight lifting. I got myself a great workout partner last year and started circuit training with weights. I went from 353 lbs to 288 lbs from Jan to Nov last year, then got really lax with my eating habits and got back to 310 lbs. Joined MFP on Jan 2 and have lost 10 lbs so far, love this site. makes it easy to keep track of exercise and eating. My goal is to get back to 200lbs, hopefully by 31 Dec of this year. From what I see, there is a lot of support out there, we all need that along with accountabilty. Look forward to reading all the blogs and posts. Blessings to all !!!!!!


  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome! I an new myself!!!!! Take it one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Strides will be made and we will be so much happier in the end! Good luck!