Inches Away!!!



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Susan I just did my waist ticker. When you go to weight ticker, you will put in your passcode, then it ask your weight, then where it says Weight Tracker their is 3 listed, one says weight change, then weight then waist, click waist, then scroll down under weight measurements, and it will say Waist measurements and enter your info there, your bmi are optional then you are done, and can copy and paste ticker to your signature at MFP. Hope this helps..:wink:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone and how are you all doing? Hope your all having a good April Fool's Day.

    Got my walk in for the day, did 2,800 steps over a mile slightly with my stride. Felt the burn today as I increased the intensity. Read an interesting article today in prevention magazine. I want to share this with you for those exercising or just beginning.
    Before your workout (2 hrs. before) drink 1 oz. of water for every 10 lbs. you are in body weight. Ex. 150 lbs. drink 15 oz. of water. Our cells in our body need water to work at their optimum potential. When we are dehydrated then we will feel fatigued and our workout will seem tougher.
    I have been walking since March 1st and today is the first day that I must have been dehydrated, why I say that is 5 minutes into my normal workout my calves begun to hurt, and I kept pushing through, I was determined not to stop. I tried slowing my pace, a few times stopped for a second or two, at the middle point of my walk, I did some stretches, and walked and completed my workout, but was in so much pain by the time I got to my vehicle. (I walk on a path near my daughters school so we walk after she gets out of school```for those who might not know or was wondering). I am glad that I finished but now having read that article I will make sure I promise you that I have drank the water.

    thanks for letting me share and hope this helps you.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I just finished my treadmill time and meal planning for the day. So far I've drank 3 of my 8 glasses of water for the day. I just realized if I can lose 1 1/2 pounds a week instead of 1, I can be at my goal weight by my next wedding anniversary in January. Hubby says he'll' take me to the beach when I reach my goal (even though he hates water) so now I am REALLY motivated to get toned and healthy again.

    Thanks for everyone who left me tips on how to create a waist ticker.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning everyone, Well I have a confession to make. Its been 9 wks. and ya know how I am always saying to Expect the Unexpected. Well yesterday I fell off the wagon. I really did. I knew eventually it would happen, just didn't know when. Now your probably wondering what is Debbie talking about.

    Well my day was out of the ordinary, I had bills to pay, running around to do and was grabbing breakfast here and lunch there, and though hard pressed to make good wise choices, when I returned home and did my calorie count, Whew! I blew it big time. The calories, fat and sodium alone, and the body was feeling it last night, Yucky I tell ya. I felt fat, bloated, dis-satisfied and really hungry for all the good stuff, fruits, veggies....water...yes water. I'm not mad at myself, wouldn't even say ashamed or disappointed. I guess once in awhile we are going to get out of our comfort zone. It was just one day and thank goodness it only last 24 hrs. :laugh:

    So I'm normal......we are all going to have one of those off wagon days....but I'm back on the wagon and Ready to Go......

    So how was your day? What plans have you made for this weekend? I have lots to do, laundry and tidy up the house, grocery shopping....but planning is key and I have it all laid out (scheduled that is).

    bbl Debbie
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning All, hope you are all feeling good today. I can't stay and chat, DD is going to an EAster Egg Hunt this morning. Then its off to the store and running around. So...I'll be back later to see how you are all doing.

    bbl Debbie
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Hi All~~~~due to lack of participation in the group I have elected to CLOSE THIS THREAD:sad: