5'1" Apple Shaped Goal weight

What is a realistic goal weight for a 5'1" Apple Shaped female like myself.


  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    Probably 130ish. I cant fathom being that tiny...but..I think thats what it is.
  • I'm 5"1 too, I'm quite chunky all over and I'm aiming for 120lbs. I might want to go to 115lbs or so, but I'm sticking to my current goal in the meantime to keep me motivated :)

    It just depends what you're happy with. I was 120lbs a few years ago and so I know that weight suits me and makes me feel good. But everyone is different.

    Don't be put off my tall people going OH MY GOD YOUR GOAL WEIGHT IS SO LOW though. I hear that sometimes, but people are forgetting I'm a good 6 inches shorter than them and an extra stone on me is a LOT more obvious!
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I am also 5'1. I am currently between 126-127 and aiming for 120. I will re-evaluate when I get there:smile: .
  • Thank you so very much for the responses, I am going to assume that 115 to 120 will be a good range then. I am also a medium frame.
  • I'm 5"1 too, I'm quite chunky all over and I'm aiming for 120lbs. I might want to go to 115lbs or so, but I'm sticking to my current goal in the meantime to keep me motivated :)

    It just depends what you're happy with. I was 120lbs a few years ago and so I know that weight suits me and makes me feel good. But everyone is different.

    Don't be put off my tall people going OH MY GOD YOUR GOAL WEIGHT IS SO LOW though. I hear that sometimes, but people are forgetting I'm a good 6 inches shorter than them and an extra stone on me is a LOT more obvious!

    Yes I do get that a lot from people both short and tall. Sometimes I just wonder if they are jealous that I am making a change. When I was gaining all this weight no one said anything.