Going out to eat at a Mexican restaurant - HELP!

Can someone suggest what might be the lower calorie dishes at a Mexican restaurant? The one I am going to tonite doesn't have much nutritional information posted for it. I'm thinking maybe chicken tortilla soup? What else?
Thanks! Donna


  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    Grilled chicken breast with pico de gallo on it?? Skip the rice for some soup..Mexican food is sooo yummmmy. I usually save that for a cheat day! ha
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Anything non-fried with Chicken will most likely be lower calorie. If it's just one night, log it and if you go a bit over then you are just spiking your metabolism. If you constantly deny yourself then you are just going to make it harder to stick to it for the long haul. Eat a normal portion/small portion take whatever home. Just log the ingredients separately if you have to. Stay away from cheese sauces as they have a lot of hidden calories in them.
  • bulletprooff
    Don't eat ground beef, but steak is leaner. Sometimes they'll have options to for whole wheat wraps/tortillas. Try not to eat sour cream or cheese. Get something you'll like and even though it may not be accurate run a few of your options into MFP to check which would be the lowest calorie option for you but would also satisfy you so you don't feel like you're barely eating.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    Chicken soft tacos. No queso dip! :happy:
    I'd just stay away from anything fried and covered in cheese.
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    When I'm trying to watch what I eat and go to my favorite mexican restaurant, I usually go with fish or shrimp. My favorite mexican restaurant has a few different fish/shrimp/rice dishes that are delicious. It's probably still cooked on the mixed grill with everything else, but it has to be better for you than most of the rest of menu. Chicken Fajita-type dshes would be better than say enchiladas, taco, chimi's, etc.

    I suggest you just treat yourself a few times a year, and eat what you want. try not to make it a habit, but if you are only going once every three month's or so, it won't hurt you!
  • They have taco salads w/tostada shell. Usually comes with grilled chicken, cheese, tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole and lettuce. Just ask them to put the sour cream and guacamole on the side so that you can control how much you put into your salad and don't eat the shell.
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Like Into said, tostadas are a good choice. Ask for all the "toppings" on the side and it's not too bad. You can always get fajitas and not eat the tortillas or just have one and eat the rest of the veggies/meat. If they have whole beans stick to those instead of refried and stay away from the rice LOL
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Shrimp fajitas, no rice, no sour cream, no cheese, guac on the side (a scoop the size of your thumb is a tablespoon), and lots of fresh salsa!
  • donnareschke
    donnareschke Posts: 9 Member
    thanks everyone! I opted for the chicken fajitas, no sour cream of course. I even brought home half of it! I notice I am fuller a lot faster lately. A month ago I would have finished the whole thing off! thanks again :)