Anyone NOT with an ED want to be friends?



  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Sorry to be so blunt, but I had to delete most of my friend list after realizing most of them were encouraging each other to fast and to become 85 pounds. As being a person who is already having a hard time looking in the mirror even when most people say i am fine, i need support from healthy people :)

    Anyone trying to do this the healthy way?

    Feel free to add me with a message as to why you want to be friends :) Thank you

    It's silly to associate fasting with eating disorders. Eating disorders is a prolonged negative relationship with food, typically where the person goes through long periods of self deprivation and/or binges.

    Fasting can be completely healthy, studies have shown it can be an effective way to manage weight as well as enjoy health benefits (eg. when you are fasting, your body diverts its attention away from digestion and can help improve your immune system). There are MANY who fast who eat plenty, lead healthy lives and are within a healthy weight range. Whilst I understand not wanting to be with people who wish to be an unhealthily low weight, I don't understand slamming fasting. If people took the time to do some research they would discover it is NOT unhealthy.
    I will risk making one comment though (before I head off to bed)...I see multiple people referring to doing it the "old fashioned way", and not fasting. We were fasting long before we ever tried this whole six small meals a day idea, so wouldn't the old fashioned way be to include intermittent fasting?

    THANK you! The whole 6 meals a day thing drives me insane. I doubt our ancestors used to feel the need to eat all day long.
  • twrly
    twrly Posts: 2 Member
    No ED here ! I just want to lose some weight gained due to my being happily attached to someone who, although gorgeous, loves his food and has made me love it too lol Not a bad thing to be happy - but I have many clothes that are sat in the wardrobe feeling neglected ! Please feel free to add me (I'm new on here and friendless, but still smiling lol) - T :0)
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    Yeah anyone who's not trying to kill their metabolism can add me too :)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Unfortunately....I DO have an eating disorder...Its called a LOVE of food... ;O)

    But on occasion i will do a 18 hour fast...Just 1 days of a 7 day eating plan i do now and again...
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    Well I have to be honest, Im a recovering ED sufferer (I say recovering in the way an alcoholic who's been tee-total for 10 years is a recovering alcoholic....I'm better but obv have to always be very careful not to slip back into my old ways) and I 100% agree with you. You know, it beggars belief that people are encouraging others to effectively have an ED....from someone who's been to the bottom of the bottom, I wouldn't wish that on even my worst enemy. And once it has you in its grip, its very difficult to get out of! I've met some wonderfully supportive people on MFP and if any of you would like to add me, please feel free :)
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I fast. I also eat what half the girls on this site eat in a day as a single meal
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    <--- I do intermittent fasting. It's not an eating disorder lol. Instead of 6 small meals I have 3 big meals in an 8 hour window everyday! You're confused about fasting. You don't get like this having an eating disorder.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    People FAST? I'd gnaw my arm off, lol :wink:
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    <--- I do intermittent fasting. It's not an eating disorder lol. Instead of 6 small meals I have 3 big meals in an 8 hour window everyday! You're confused about fasting. You don't get like this having an eating disorder.

    I think what the girl meant was that she has girls on her list who are already underweight encouraging each other to starve themselves to get even further underweight. I'm sure it wasn't meant to insult those who fast i a healthy way as part of a training program like you guys are on x
  • happy to be friends with healthy people I just want to correct my bad eating habits by tracking what I eat.... too much chocolate, too much wine and even good food can be bad in large portions so I am just cutting back on portion size too!
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    I agree. and only young children at that.
    BTW Jo, thanks for your serving our country. God Bless .
  • i agree 100% ED are so out rated anyway....trying to keep up with the movie stars in just crazy. Life is a bowl of candy you never no what your getting from day to day. So take excersie and eating right day to day and don't think to much about it, otherwise it will drive you to ED. Pat
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    me! proper diet and exercise is my only option to lose this weight. No gimmicks.
    I didn't realise eating disorders were gimmicks. I thought they were life-threatening mental illnesses. Thanks for clarifying that...
  • Cookme1
    Cookme1 Posts: 15
    Just joined a few days ago and have no desire to be a "stick man" . Willing to help and support all that ask. Kudos to all those making healthy choices.
  • You are truly right!! I have a cousin who has Anorexia and it is scary. My wife and I are doing this the healthy way too.
  • Glad I kept reading, no idea what ED stood for until I got further down the list, lol. So obviously I'm not the one to fast (unless I have to have blood work done, which totally kills me because all i think about is that I CAN"T eat, so naturally I WANT to )) lol.
    I just joined this about 2 weeks ago, I'm loving the way it works. I use it on my droid mostly which is very handy so I put right in when I do eat. Hopefully by this time next year I will be a much healthier me!
  • I agree with your SMART choice deleting the ED people. A person could easily become obsessed with their weight these days. Its like on the movie "Devil Wears Prada" when Emily Blunt says ...."I'm ONE stomach flu away from my goal weight!" HAHAHAHAHA Right now I am doing it one step at a time just trying to get my numbers in the GREEN instead of red!
  • I shot you a request :)
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry to be so blunt, but I had to delete most of my friend list after realizing most of them were encouraging each other to fast and to become 85 pounds. As being a person who is already having a hard time looking in the mirror even when most people say i am fine, i need support from healthy people :)

    Anyone trying to do this the healthy way?

    Feel free to add me with a message as to why you want to be friends :) Thank you

    I have to ask something and I hope I don't offend you. I am asking only out of concern. You say you have a hard time looking in the mirror even though people say you look fine. My questions are what your height and weight are now plus what is your GW?
  • peprwpr
    peprwpr Posts: 56 Member
    Im trying to do this journey the right way, for the right reasons. Feel free to add me.